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Stores continue to close in Democrat led cities due to crime
(04-13-2023, 01:58 AM)pally Wrote: So multiple articles state the reason for closing the Chicago Walmarts is serious lack of profitability.  Walmart says the stores are closing due to lack of profitability. Therefore you conclude it is due to crime. Seems like a logical conclusion to me…not.

Per capita, crime rates in Republican run areas are just as high, if not higher than in Democratic area.  Now granted in shear numbers a city the size of New York or Chicago will have more crimes committed than say Cincinnati simply due to having more people.

Democrats want to eliminate the issues that lead to crime in the first place.  Republicans want to punish the criminals after the fact.  2 different approaches.

There are so many inaccuracies in this post it's honestly impressive.  Most crime is centered in urban areas.  Urban areas are overwhelmingly run by Dems.  Democrats, right now, don't care about eliminating the reasons or punishing the criminals, they just throw money at useless programs to virtue signal.  Getting on board with "defund the police" has had major consequences.  I posted tons of links in the other thread, feel free to try and educate yourself on this issue.

(04-13-2023, 07:30 AM)Belsnickel Wrote: Crime rates are similar no matter the party in control. The denser the population the more crime in an area because there are more people to commit crimes. Simple as that. Of course, one of the highest correlations to crimes like theft and even to violent crime is socioeconomic imbalance. That is especially true for petty crimes like shoplifting. Maybe we should look into policies related to solving that issue instead of perpetuating socioeconomic imbalance and feeding the prison industrial complex by keeping up our 20% of the world's prison population with 4% of the world's overall population.


Bel, this is simply not true.  You are correct that crime is centered in urban areas.  Where you are incorrect is that it is similar regardless of the party in charge,  When criminals face little to no consequences they will recidivate.  When a person can be arrested for burglary, be cited out due to Dem policies, and then be arrested the same day for another burglary, only to again be cited out, they will continue to recidivate.  I'm not going to bother reposting the myriad links from the other thread on this issue, suffice to say the evidence on this is clear.  Soft on crime Dem policies have caused an atmosphere of lawlessness that I have never seen in my lifetime.

Stores in Beverly Hills are boarded up due to smash and grab gangs.  This is literally unheard of.  There are murals on the 101 freeway as it goes through downtown.  The used to get tagged up and cleaned the next day.  They literally stopped trying and they are all tagged up now, not even an attempt to keep them clean.  Los Angeles is literally unrecognizable from the place I lived for close to twenty years.

Target alone lost over $400 million due to theft in California last fiscal year.  And that's just Target.  The Walmarts in Chicago are absolutely closing due to high amounts of retail theft.  Anyone who's trying to believe otherwise has there head firmly planted somewhere that doesn't smell pleasant.

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RE: Stores continue to close in Democrat led cities due to crime - Sociopathicsteelerfan - 09-27-2023, 11:49 AM

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