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Stores continue to close in Democrat led cities due to crime
Most major cities have evolved into a 3rd world country. But hey they voted for it so they need to be hold accountable. These disgusting terrorists went as far as looting an Apple store in Philadelphia, and we know that Apple supports the leftist agenda. May all their stores go broke. This is what the left wants and voted for. It’s what they advocate for. It’s what they vote to continue. And they will vote to continue it. This is the fruits of their labor. Enjoy it! Brag on how right they were!! Zero people passing math standardized tests In Baltimore… looting in Philly… illegals stacked up in New York… Chicago streets are slaughter houses… major retail stores closing due to rampant theft. Our brain dead president is proven corrupt and can’t climb stairs.. the VP had failed at every task she is given and is a cackling moron. Mayors are considering Soviet style, government ran grocery stores because others are closing due to rampant theft, governors are calling up the national guard to handle illegals. We've hit a new low. Sometimes I wish I was in the 70s again living a quiet life in Eastern Kentucky helping my parents raise cattle and picking up potatoes.

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RE: Stores continue to close in Democrat led cities due to crime - Bengalion - 09-28-2023, 11:08 AM

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