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Dallas Mayor Flips to GOP: 'Cities Need Republicans'
(09-29-2023, 01:38 PM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: Because you are just as hardline in your stance as they are in theirs and not open to anything else and you appear as a Pro-Life hater. 

First, Straight from Science (not religion) the Life Cycle of a Human Being starts at the Fertilization of the Embryo's Conception.

Both sides try to play the goal post game on that, but it's never going to happen. (IE when it feels pain or can respond to outside stimuli, for the right When it gets a soul etc).

Now I am personally against it, but being a middle person, I can understand both sides. My Compromise is no abortions allowed after first trimester (which almost all occur in that time frame anyways). This would shut up the idiots running around yelling, "they can have an abortion up to the day they deliver!" and since most occur in the first trimester, then women's rights are still just fine.

One thing I don't agree with is removing BC from Health Insurance options, that's a personal choice not something i think Religion should have anything to do with. That to me is an over reach.

My view has nothing to do with "controlling women" it has to do with the RIGHT to LIFE in general. 

But as i said, i'm willing to compromise so both sides can get a piece of what they want. Are you willing to compromise? 

PS The book burning is stupid and not even remotely done by all Republicans, just a few hardliners again and you stereo typing ALL Republicans.

"Because you are just as hardline in your stance as they are in theirs and not open to anything else and you appear as a Pro-Life hater. "

What I hate is hypocrisy. "Pro life" people are against any program providing anything a kid might need after its born - SNAP, welfare, etc. That's not "pro LIFE" that's pro fetus. 

"First, Straight from Science (not religion) the Life Cycle of a Human Being starts at the Fertilization of the Embryo's Conception."

It's funny that Christian conservatives in this country (I'll add the caviat of "Christian" here because they're the vast majority of "conservatives" in this country) like to use science when it suits them. They'll deny the facts of evolution and climate change all day long. But the life cycle of an animal will get brought up. 

"when it gets a soul" - what's a soul? 

"My view has nothing to do with "controlling women" it has to do with the RIGHT to LIFE in general. "
That's YOUR view. Not the view of the majority of the people in the movement or the people at the top of the movement. 


Here's a compromise: keep government out of women's bodies. Period. 

You don't support abortion? DON'T GET ONE.

Republicans used to be about small government. That is no more. The modern Republican party WANTS big government especially when it pertains to your personal life. 

Boook burning - I didn't say ALL Republicans. Go back. If you don't support it speak out against it, otherwise, you are part of the problem. 

Messages In This Thread
RE: Dallas Mayor Flips to GOP: 'Cities Need Republicans' - GreenDragon - 10-01-2023, 01:41 PM

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