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P01135809 Echoes Hitler: Migrants "Poisoning the Blood of Our Country"
(10-06-2023, 02:08 PM)Nately120 Wrote: The short of it is the concept of "You are suffering and it is due in no small part to entire group of people X and Y and Z."  Is that something only the Nazis did?  No, but it's like the way All Alone In the Watchtower was a Bob Dylan song, but you can't really fault people for thinking of Jimi Hendrix when you mention it.  Who did it first?  Who did it best?  Who did it most recently?

There's some good points here, but I don't think it gets you over the hill.  One could easily argue that the Soviets succeeded at all of this on a far greater scale than the Nazis, and certainly for a much longer time.  Interestingly enough the Soviets are still looked up to and emulated by far left, uneducated edge lords.  One can certainly wear a Soviet shirt in public without much fear of reprisal.  Not so much with national socialism.  I think the actual answer is that Nazi comparison are easy to make, as they are so extreme.  They're the fall back of the intellectually lazy and those uninterested in actual discussion or debate, simply because the allegation is so charged it's a conversation stopper.  It also instantly frames the accuser as the "god guy" even when they clearly are not to the impartial observer.

Quote:Also, we can look at this single statement from Trump and talk it away, but revelation by compilation prevents a lot of folks from not thinking of other "kinda Nazi" stuff that's been mingling with our mainstream politics lately.  As I've said before, this seems to coincide with the WII generation finally being gone and us just regressing towards what is convenient.  It's convenient to use and it's convenient to ignore and dismiss as hyperbole in implementation and critique.

Again, one can mirror certain aspects of national socialism without warranting a full blown comparison.  Any nationalist movement, and if one is so inclined even patriotism, can be equated to national socialism in the same way.  Also, would the Nazi comparison be made as it is in this thread if immigrants to this country were largely Caucasian?  Somehow I don't think so, despite the Nazis being largely concerned with "lesser" examples of white people, such as Slavs.  Also, your last sentence perfectly encapsulates the people who use these comparisons as well.

Quote:We're all more lazy than anything else, I guess.  Anywho, I hope you're right and the Nazi playbook creeping into our political system and being desired by our populace is merely me pulling a chicken little and seeing ghosts of Hitler.  I wasn't around for LBJ vs Goldwater, and I guess that was pretty heated too so maybe I'm just convincing myself to worry and things are smoother than I think.

This kind of thing is hardly confined to Trump.  Biden's constant harping about the dangers of "white supremacy", which is largely interpreted by the far left as any white person who dares not hate themselves, is easily as racially divisive as anything Trump has said.  I've said this in previously, the past three years have been very revealing as to the extent of racism that is expressed and held by people who are not Caucasian.  It got so bad they literally had to change the definition of racism to avoid being rightfully labeled as one.

As for Nazism, or even an approximate, taking hold here, I wouldn't be concerned.  The series of events that led to the rise of national socialism were a literal perfect storm.  Even so, the Nazi party was losing momentum and fading when Hitler was made chancellor due to the back room dealings of Franz von Papen, who vainly hoped to stay in power by puppet mastering Hitler.  Without his machinations Hitler would never have become chancellor and the Nazi party would have faded into obscurity.  And this is in a country with a long history of authoritarianism and no tradition of personal freedom or democracy.  Both of which the US has in spades.

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RE: P01135809 Echoes Hitler: Migrants "Poisoning the Blood of Our Country" - Sociopathicsteelerfan - 10-06-2023, 02:53 PM

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