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Who feels as or safer under Biden versus Trump
(10-10-2023, 11:48 AM)Luvnit2 Wrote: We live in a violent world. We have Iran and terrorists who hate the US and always have as they chant "death to America".

Under Biden, almost 8 million known illegal immigrant encounters at the southern border since Jan. 2021 when Biden took office. It is estimated another 500,000 to 1.5 million have entered the country under Biden undetected. We know terrorists have entered, we have no idea where they are or their purpose.

My question is who feels safe today versus when Trump or even Obama was President? Will we see terrorist attacks by Hamas and other known terrorist groups from the middle east?

Is Biden feared by other leaders in Iran, China, Russia and North Korea? Or is he considered weak and fragile allowing a window to attack the US at home?

Why do the majority of Democrats support Gaza versus Israel? When did Democrats stop supporting Jewish people? Are they safe in the US?

Hamas is not the JV team of ISIS, they are equal to ISIS in. their ability to terrorize the innocent. They have proven in by releasing images of the brutal attacks in Israel.

that statement is such bullcrap.  If Jews aren't safe in the US it is due to anti-semitic right-wing crazies. 
It wasn't Democrats in Charlotte chanting " Jews will not replace us"  It was a group of people Donald Trump described as "fine".  It was led by a known racist and anti-semite Nick Fuentes who was a dinner guest of Trump's at Mar a Lago. Republicans Marjorie Taylor Green and Paul Goser have spoken at Fuentes hate conference.
It is Donald Trump who believes American Jews have allegiance to Israel first
It wasn't a Democrat who shot up the Tree of Life Synagogue.
It wasn't a Democrat on Twitter promoting anti-Semitic sources as the "truth" on the current was Elon Musk promoting them
The ADL does not name 1 liberal anti-semitic hate group...they have plenty of right-wing ones

What Democrats are capable of doing is understanding the Palestinians (not Hamas) are in an untenable situation and a solution must be found that doesn't permanently make them 2nd class citizens or prisoners in their own homes.  Understanding that doesn't mean anyone is anti-Israel. 

According to Pew research, 70% of 0Jewish Americans lean Democratic.  Do you really think they would do that if the Party hated Jews?

So, tell me Luvnit, can you provide actual facts to back up that statement...and Fox News doesn't count.

Oh, and I feel 1000% safer with Biden than with his predecessor.  Biden has the support of our allied world leaders.  He isn't going to react like a crazy person, unlike his predecessor.  He also trusts and listens to his military leaders and experts again unlike Trump who seems to believe he knows more about everything than everyone.  We're not going to wake up and discover Biden started WWIII because some world leader said something mean about him

 Fueled by the pursuit of greatness.


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RE: Who feels as or safer under Biden versus Trump - pally - 10-10-2023, 02:14 PM

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