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Is it OK for NYT, CNN and squad members to report misinformation
(10-19-2023, 08:36 AM)Belsnickel Wrote: I have no idea how I missed this post last night.

I don't disagree with your premise, I disagree with the conclusion that it is "false news" or misinformation/disinformation. They did not say anything that was inaccurate in the headline. They are setting a narrative, that much is certain, but they walked the line pretty well on the side of accuracy. This isn't a NYT issue, or a CNN issue, we can find this all through corporate media.

For profit news agencies like them, like Fox, Newsmax, MSNBC, whoever, are not in the business of selling accurate reporting. They are in the business of selling the consumers/viewers/readers to their advertisers. In order to do that, they need more clicks, more eyeballs on their content and/or ears listening in. They care about accuracy only so far as to make sure they don't lose viewership, which often means they don't except for the most egregious things. They have their market share pretty well pegged and they will cater their headlines and chyron scrolls to keep the attention of their loyal viewers simply because that means more ad revenue comes in.

You don't have to like it. Lord knows I don't which is why I don't use corporate media and hate having to click on any of the links posted on here. But that's the reality of our media landscape in this country. We don't have the laws that require accurate and unbiased reporting. We don't have a publicly funded news agency like the BBC. Instead we have severely underfunded, viewer supported programming that attempts to fill the need but is attacked for their efforts. And don't get me wrong, I prefer the NGO approach because state-run media is a horrible thing and we should treasure the first amendment and the ability for these news agencies to do what they do. I just want to make sure we recognize what the issue is because it is far deeper than this headline or even the whole of the NYT. But the majority on here just like to pretend it is only the news organizations they disagree with that are the problem.

Not saying you specifically, I just hopped on my soap box and got carried away.

None of what you posted here is new to me, and I wholeheartedly agree.  But there is a major difference in doing this during peacetime and doing it in a way that actually endangers American lives and absolutely fans the flames of a conflict already in great danger of expanding.  Like I said in an earlier post, the NYT's handed Hamas a massive propaganda win with that first headline.  They literally aided a terrorist organization.  We see the results in front of US embassies in several nations.  This can't be business as usual for these clowns.

Quote:I honestly don't pay a ton of attention to either of them. I couldn't tell you what they say or do. If they end up in a leadership role in the House or somehow pull something off legislatively, then I would pay attention. If they are asshats then that is on their constituents to pay attention to. I don't have the bandwidth. I have my own asshat politicians to deal with.

I'd love to not pay attention to them as well.  But the media over amplifies their voices so they're hard to avoid if you view anything close to a spectrum of news outlets.  Plus, it is galling to see the preferential treatment they receive over people like Boebert or MTG.  Also, Tlaib won't be voted out, she represents a heavily Muslim district, so she probably gained votes with this vulgar display.

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RE: Is it OK for NYT, CNN and squad members to report misinformation - Sociopathicsteelerfan - 10-19-2023, 12:13 PM

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