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Is it OK for NYT, CNN and squad members to report misinformation
(10-24-2023, 03:38 AM)Dill Wrote: Looks like you've flipped your own argument here. YOU were the one certain that Tlaib repeating Hamas propaganda put lives in danger.
Everything was "indubitable" and "obvious" and no further questioning/evaluation/evidence needed.

But when the spotlight is on right wing media, the rules change quickly.

The DA's not a forensic psychiatrist. Right wing radio can't stoke hate to motivate killing unless it is a psy-op.
ISIS TALIBAN ALQAEDA . . .AND IRAN were there before right wing media rolled them all into ISLAM.
So no more evidence of politics in the Chicago case, which has a suspect and motive, 
than in the Detroit murder of a Rabbi, which has neither. Indubitably obvious. 

This from the guy who loves to watch ideologues "twist themselves into pretzels."

LOL unless we are talking about the New York Times.

Your repeated mention of Hamas murder and rape is intended to . . . what? Insure that we distinguish between civilians and combatants?
Gain some realistic idea of causes and likely consequences before jumping into another war in the Middle East?
But my mention of a politically motivated crime to warn against heated rhetoric directed at an ethnic group is "exploitation"?

And what sort of demagogue won't call people disgusting "liars" or "savages" or an "apologist for extremists,"
or pivot from sober policy questions into serial accusation and deflection? Not one worth his salt, I should think.

This alludes to the primary difference between us.  I actually engage deeply with sources that don't "aid [my] perception of events." 
You do not.  

What a mess. How did the imagined claim that "Hamas propaganda has zero affect [sic] on anyone anywhere" get in there?
Or the claim that a child-murderer was "solely" be influenced by right wing radio? 

Looks like you impute claims to me I did not make in order to "sincerely" make me an "apologist/excuser of religious extremism/terrorism," 
and this not two days after you twisted and misconstrued my accurate claim that Luvnit said Tlaib CAUSED damage in the ME, while
telling him how much you "loathe people's arguments being deliberately twisted and misconstrued."  

Why not slow down and work through posts carefully and pose questions before initiating these cycles of spiraling personal attack? 
Stop claiming I'm an "excuser of religious extremism" who has accused you of being "pro child murder." Stop excusing this over-the-top  
rhetoric which risks shutting down yet another thread. 

And yes I still noticed --You are not explaining why Tlaib's comments should create more risk to US interests than current US policy for supporting the war on Gaza. "Clear impact" falls far short of that. The guy who spent the first two pages of this thread wondering why "far lefties" cannot address actual points made needs to put up or shut up.

Let's set all your pedantry and obfuscation aside.  I'll leave it at this.  Say we accept your, IMO very flawed, premise that "right wing media" radicalized a man to kill a poor child.  Starting with 10/07/23 as our beginning point, how many thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of people carried out similar crimes after being radicalized by the Koran?

Didn't think this position through very well, did you?

As for the rest, we're firmly back in Dill's circuitous argument zone so I'm good.  Don't bother posting about how I can't address your points, no one buys that.  I'm just not going to bother dissecting what passes for your argument so you can then deliberately misconstrue and twist what I say, making your exact same points over and over.  You're habits are far too well known here.

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RE: Is it OK for NYT, CNN and squad members to report misinformation - Sociopathicsteelerfan - 10-24-2023, 11:20 AM

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