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Is it OK for NYT, CNN and squad members to report misinformation
Here are some facts that cannot be disputed by a rational person. Hamas is the de facto governing body of Gaza. They are also a terrorist organization with the stated goal of the destruction of Israel. They are a proxy for Iran, the biggest state funder of terrorism in the world. Iran also has a stated goal of the complete destruction of Israel. There is no compromise for both actors outside of Israel's destruction. They are also both willing to commit any atrocity, including on their own people, to achieve this goal as they believe it is divinely justified, even required of them. Once you understand these unalterable facts their actions make sense.

Provoke Israel with unspeakable acts of barbarism. Then retreat into Gaza and hide directly among the civilian population prompting the inevitable Israeli response to cause civilian casualties. Then make a huge show to the world of said civilian casualties, all the while playing victim and obscuring your direct role in causing those civilian casualties. Oh, also don't let said civilians evacuate the area, because then they can't be killed and their bodies paraded before cameras to further show how evil Israel is.

This tactic not only works in the Muslim world, which is inclined to despite Israel to begin with, it plays very well with the Western left, who simply cannot resist siding with the "oppressed" to make up for the "sins of their ancestors." They will happily ignore any atrocities committed by the oppressed and will, in fact, often go out of their way to justify them as a reasonable response to their oppression. You see this playing out in micro in this very thread. Because of this narrow focus the bigger picture, that being this is all part of the plan for Hamas and Iran to enable the utter destruction of Israel, is completely ignored, because that would require critical thinking and reasoning and all the modern left appears capable of is pathos and self flagellation.

At the end of the day this boils down to a very simple choice, do you support a country fighting for its very survival, or do you support terrorist actors for whom human life is a pawn on the chessboard, existing to be sacrificed for eventual victory? Of course, this is all human life, even that of the people they claim to represent and protect. This is a religious war with a thin veneer of population displacement coating it to make it easier for some to swallow. Because it is a religious war there is no rational resolution to it, and anyone thinking otherwise is deluding themselves.

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RE: Is it OK for NYT, CNN and squad members to report misinformation - Sociopathicsteelerfan - 10-26-2023, 12:31 PM

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