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Biden now calling for Israel to pause???
(11-03-2023, 10:53 AM)Luvnit2 Wrote: Biden is pandering to both sides, it won't work. A pause is a fancy way of a cease fire being completed. The US has no right to ask or tell Israel to do anything. Why did Biden feel the need to go around our ally and not have the discussions behind closed doors.

I will repeat what I have said over an over, it is Hamas responsibility to insure their people have electricity, food, water and medical supplies. It is their job to keep them safe. They have tunnels that require a lot of fuel, why not share this fuel with the people they say they are fighting for, why not build more bomb shelters for them?

The Hamas actions on October 7 created this war period. Israel needs to end Hamas sooner than later, a pause or cease fire only allows Hamas time to plot and plan and kill Israeli citizens and soldiers. They have another option, surrender and give back every hostage. But instead, Hamas continues to fire rockets inside Israel. Maybe if they want a cease fire, they stop their attacks and return the hostages.

I see no concern from most in the forum for the Israeli children who also are at risk. Why?

This is war, war is ugly and Hamas knew what they were doing would escalate into a war with Israel. You keep kill over 1400 innocent civilians by barbaric methods and then whine when Israel retaliates. Israel attempts to tell women and children to find safety over and over again. By contrast, Hamas still just fires rockets into Israel without regard for civilian life.

Then at home Biden has the nerve to worry about Muslims over Jews who are being threatened by Muslims in record numbers. Biden is playing both sides, trying to say he is all in for Israel, then asking them to slow down or stop and then siding with Palestinian protesters in the US over Jews. Makes no sense other than playing politics with the ives of all Jews.

The US has every right to ask things from Israel.  Israel owes its very existence from its founding to now to the United States.  They receive more foreign aid from us than any other country in the world.  They get billions more in military equipment.  The US asks things from our allies all the time...why should Bibi, who has spent the last decade pouring gasoline on the smoldering fire, be exempt?

And you have NO idea what conversations are taking place behind closed doors

We all care about Israeli children so stop with those accusations...but when is enough enough.  Killing 10's of thousands of children does not bring anyone back to life.

I've asked you before and as usual got no answer but I'll ty again...Leaflets telling people to evacuate only work if the people have someplace to go and the means to get there.  So tell us where should Palestinian mothers go to keep their children safe? and how will they get there when no fuel has gone into Gaza in weeks?

There are foreign nationals in Gaza, including Americans, a cease-fire allows them to get out.

 Fueled by the pursuit of greatness.


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RE: Biden now calling for Israel to pause??? - pally - 11-03-2023, 01:10 PM

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