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Does Nick Scott have a pass breakup all year?
Not making this thread to pile on Nick Scott but CTB is tied for 2nd in the AFC with 9 pass breakups and Dax Hill is tied for 3rd with 8.

Now in the construction of this post i got curious and looked and Nick Scott literally has ZERO PBU’s.

This means he has broken up literally zero passes in coverage. He has been targeted 23 times in coverage and has broken up zero of those targets and had given up 13 receptions prior to the Houston game. To my knowledge he didn’t break up a pass against Houston so add more targets but no PBUs

This is BAD and in comparison Bates has 5 PBUs and factor in Bates is a main stay on the “Don’t throw in this guys area” list so he’s doing that with QBs weary of throwing in his direction.

I’m calling it right now and i HATE to do this because i actually like Scott’s physical skillset but there’s a reason the Rams let him go and there’s a reason there wasn’t competition for his services this offseason. But if we continue to start Nick Scott and play him as many snaps as we do, we will not get any better on D than we are right now.

There’s a reason he’s getting thrown at so much. Hes the 21st most targeted guy in the league and that doesn’t automatically mean he’s trash as Jessie Bates is 19th in the league at being targeted but what happens when you target Scott and Bates are totally different. When you target Bates he has 3 picks and 5 PBUs and has more tackles than Scott. This means Scott can’t cover AND doesn’t have the IQ to “feel” where the ball is going and get in on gang tackles.

I have a name for safeties that are physically there but don’t actually
Do much in coverage. Nick Scott is a ghost. He’s there and he scares you a little bit because he’s physically where you want to pass but he can’t touch you and he can’t actually harm you.

The trait we’ve all seen is his lack of confidence in coverage. That would be ok if behind that lack of confidence he had raw talent, but he doesn’t have that either. Our front 7 and corners got used to playing in front of safeties who had insane confidence and raw talent. So a lot of factors are leading to our defense being turnover or bust but to me the biggest issue is Nick Scott at FS.

We are putting too much pressure on Scott to be good when we should either not be playing him or not rotate him. Lou thinks we can rotate Scott and Hill at either safety spot on the fly and we just can’t. Dax can because he’s amazing but the weak link is Nick Scott. We’ve even rotated Hilton at safety alot which to me is in response to Scott being so ass because there wasn’t one word of doing that in the offseason.

Step 1 is to bench Scott and give Battle minutes. At the very least Battle is a better tackler. So if we gotta get killed in coverage at least have a guy who can tackle.

If you absolutely have to play Scott step 1 would be to stop
Rotating him and Dax at both safety spots. Nick Scott obviously can’t do the shit. Scott really doesn’t seem to be good at any one aspect. If he could do one thing well, then we’d have an idea of what to do but he below average tackling, below average in coverage and absolutely horrendous as a blitzer because he dies on blocks and even if he’s the free rusher he can’t make a tackle.

My heart is saying bench him but i have an idea he’s an ego signing and Lou basically has to play him to justify the decision to sign him.

If i were Lou right now id see if Scott can cover tight ends and if he couldn’t do that id bench him indefinitely. Hes brining absolutely nothing and atp hes actually losing us games. All the plays where dudes are wide open in zone are because our safeties get lost and tricked by route combos. That didn’t happen with Bates and Bell because they couldn’t be tricked in coverage. You send a crosser across their face and they were smart enough to know it was a distraction.

In summary, and i hate that i have to say this, but if Nick Scott continues to start and get the snaps he’s getting, the season is over.

Messages In This Thread
Does Nick Scott have a pass breakup all year? - Housh - 11-13-2023, 02:01 PM

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