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Chad Johnson will be on Manningcast
Manning cast recorded along with the regular game coverage so I went back and watched it. I wouldn't want to have that distraction during the game but it's worth recording to watch later.


The Manning bros talked a lot about how this offense was changed and simplified to help Browning be successful. He played great but people ready to crown him need to slow their roll. I think the Jags were a bit over-rated and we need to see whether he can approach this performance against a tough defense now that it's all on film.

If anyone ever doubted that Kay Adams is a legit fan just watch the Manning cast. She literally squealed when the Bengals made a big play. It was a pleasure to see.

Chad Johnson did his usual shtick but he also was thoroughly engaged in the game. The Manning bros were asking unrelated questions and he's watching not hearing them. Good to see. I got tired of his shtick back in the day. He lost focus on football. I think he knows now that he probably threw away a couple of years of productivity because of that. But he's welcome on the bandwagon along with everyone else except Steelers fans.

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RE: Chad Johnson will be on Manningcast - Roland - 12-08-2023, 05:06 PM

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