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GOP establishment doing everything it can to stop Trump and Cruz
I agree with the people in this thread that believe trump is a liberal at heart. He certainly is not a conservative. He'll want things done his way regardless of checks and balances, and will go about business much as Obama has with executive orders if need be.

I'd be scared as hell if I were part of the conservative establishment. Trumps followers are so loyal that he could do almost anything and get away with it. People will look at this and assume it will always be acting to force republican policies down the nation's throat, but I'm not so sure. He's the kind of candidate that could expand government and still maintain popularity among his base through sheer personality and celebrity. All he has to do is say that he's doing it to "make America great again". If he did, I seriously doubt he's face the kind of animosity that Obama has as a result of his policies.

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RE: GOP establishment doing everything it can to stop Trump and Cruz - samhain - 01-02-2016, 12:34 AM

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