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9 months to less than 1 year Polling Trump, Biden, Kennedy, Westand Stein
(02-01-2024, 12:44 PM)pally Wrote: I just want to understand the devotion to Trump.  He lies...that hasn't stopped people.  He is extremely divisive...that hasn't stopped people.  He has been found liable for sexual assault and fraud...that doesn't deter people.  He has promised 4 years of chaos and revenge along with vague promises with no actual plans behind them...that hasn't stopped people.  He has 91 indictments that involve fraud, insurrection, obstruction of justice, etc...that hasn't stopped people.  He is publically claiming he is above the law not that he is actually innocent...that isn't stopping people. Judging from his recent speeches, he is even more incoherent than ever...that isn't stopping people.

Every poll says another candidate will be better for the Party in the general election...Republican voters don't care

Can he honestly shoot someone on 5th Avenue with no consequences?  Do Republicans even care about his actions?

We can use the same argument and worse for Biden. He too is accused of sexual assault against Tara Reid in the 90's. He too lies over and over again, about his involvement with his son's businesses, about saying the border is secure about saying he asked Congress for money for the border on day 1 in office. Day 1 in office both house and senate had democratic majorities, so he either lied or fellow democrats did not want to do anything to fix illegal immigration or deter them from coming to the border.

I believe independents see Trump was and is persecuted by Democrats, Obama and Biden by weaponizing the DOJ.

To put it in simple terms, Trump's policies helped the average american more than Biden's policies. It is simple to see inflation results under Trump (5% for 4 years) and Biden over 17% for 3 years resulting in a $11,000 loss per family over the Trump inflation and economic policies. Immigration bumps are outrageous, so bad even major Democratic mayors and governors are begging for help.

Last, when is the last time we have seen Biden do an unscripted 60 minute speech and have no mistakes. Everyone unbiased sees Joe is mentally incapable to be a great leader. Also, Biden promised to unite the country, but instead attacks Trump supporters. It is OK to attack Trump, but you don't unite the country by attacking his supporters.

If people felt all of your democratic talking points were accurate he would lose support, but we don't feel Trump has been treated equally to Bill Clinton, HRC, Obama or Biden. Democrats have made Trump a Martyr  and reason black voters are considering voting for him is they understand what it is like to be unfairly targted.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
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RE: Less than 1 year Polling Trump, Biden, Kennedy, Westand Stein - Luvnit2 - 02-01-2024, 02:01 PM

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