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9 months to less than 1 year Polling Trump, Biden, Kennedy, Westand Stein
(02-01-2024, 02:22 PM)pally Wrote: shouldn't we, as Americans, at least try to bridge the gap in understanding how and why each other votes?

You talk about Trump's policies but his policies totally failed during COVID.  His decisions destroyed the American economy. His tax cuts massively increased the deficits You want to blame Biden for inflation but he was handed a sinking ship.  The US is doing better than any developed country in the world, many of which are run by conservative governments.  Did Biden cause their problems too?

The US has never had 17% inflation.  Inflation is measured year over year not cumulatively.  You cannot simply add numbers together and conclude.  You also can't just look at one measure.  Was inflation a problem...absolutely.  Biden inherited an economy on the brink of a major recession or even a depression and yet neither occurred.  Corporations that drive consumer costs, at the height of inflation, were reporting record profits.  Do you think those record profits were boosted by the price increases these companies forced on consumers?  Price gouging drove inflation.

What are Trump's plans for a next term?  He claims to have a health plan (where have we heard that one before)?  But most of his speeches are filled with nonsense word salad focused on revenge against his "enemies'.  Do we really want that as the focus of the US President

You got your answer:  Everything that P01135809 is accused of is a lie OR "Biden did it too".

There has been no one like P01135809 when it come to the sheer volume of failures and lawsuits that has not only won political office but continues to control of our two majority parties. 

Like most cult leaders he has people who think he speaks directly to them.
Like most cult leaders people believe only he can solve the "problems" they see.
Like most cult leaders he speaks at a lower education level so his followers never have to think too hard.
Like most cult leaders he is always right and never loses.
Like most cult leaders he is always the victim when someone disagrees or has a bad word about him
Like most cult leaders his followers feel that if he is wronged they are wronged too.

He can say anything, even if it contradicts something he just said and the latest is always the truth.

A certain percentage of the electorate were looking for someone who would defend them from the "others" who challenged what they think America should be.

That aspect isn't particularly new.

That we have a social media, self-contained bubble that they can live in to never have their opinions challenged with outside facts has grown the size of that group from what it may have been in the past.

Biden's policies would only be a valid argument if P01135809 had any himself.  He has platitudes and cliches and stock speeches.  But they make his followers feel good and that's all they want.

The truth doesn't matter as long as they feel safe.  

Anyone with eyes and ears and half a brain saw he would never go away once he got a taste of the adulation he thrives on.  Anyone who thought the party would move on from him after he lost in 2020 was foolish.  The republican party will be dealing with the fault out from maga for a long time...even after he is really gone...because when the cult leader is gone the cult members will look for the next one just like him to fill that hole inside them that he filled.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.

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RE: Less than 1 year Polling Trump, Biden, Kennedy, Westand Stein - GMDino - 02-01-2024, 03:05 PM

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