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Why should we agree to reward sanctuary cities in latest Schumer/Biden senate bill?

"Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, I-Ariz., a co-author of the package, told reporters on Monday that there’s “a lot of misinformation that is still swirling about the legislation” and fretted that election-year politics was driving some of the opposition.

We raise the asylum standard. We increase detention beds so that single adults who come in and go into detention as they get their asylum interview — and then they are removed from the country if they’re unable to provide proof at the higher level of screening. Family units — we cannot detain them because of Flores — go under supervision, and they get their interview within 90 days. If they are not able to provide proof of the higher standard with the three bars in those 90 days, they are swiftly removed from the country.”"

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RE: Why should we agree to reward sanctuary cities in latest Schumer/Biden senate bil - NATI BENGALS - 02-06-2024, 04:07 AM

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