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Why should we agree to reward sanctuary cities in latest Schumer/Biden senate bill?
(02-06-2024, 12:46 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Thank you.  One very underutilized skill in my profession is understanding human behavior and being able to see things from another's perspective.  I learned very early in my career how important this skill was an really strove to hone it.  What I've observed since 2015 is a commitment from most people to a strictly binary way of thinking.  Subtlety and nuance are utterly dead for much of the population.  I had a very long term friend completely cut ties with me because I stated that Trump actually had a point about immigration.  The simple act of agreeing with Trump on any subject was taken as a full throated endorsement of Trump and everything he stands for/believes.

You see it here on a daily basis.  If you dare not attack Trump on every single issue you are a Trump supporter/defender.  If you're not in lockstep with the far left you're a secret Republican.  This is why I most enjoy discussion with Bel, Hollo and others (sorry if you didn't get mentioned but deserve to be) even though we often disagree.  Those posters are capable of understanding a position even if they don't personally agree with it.  We need more of it around here, and in general, that's for damned sure.

It's too bad people would end a friendship over something like that.  One of my friends has the BLM fist sticker, Bernie sticker etc, on his Guitar case and he is pretty liberal.  We simply don't talk about politics.  He's a great guy and a great friend.  Everyone has their own thoughts and beliefs.  Even when two people are on the same page it still won't be 100% agreement.

I come off pretty harsh on here, but honestly I am willing to compromise on ANY issue.  Even if I personally have a hard line stance on an issue  I would compromise in a situation where policy or law has to be made.

When Trump was in and he and repubs tried to make a deal to give amnesty to the dreamers in exchange for real immigration reform I was on board with that even though I personally was not for any amnesty.  I thought it was a fair deal and would fix future issues.

I'm just sick of the illegal immigration issue at this point and that's why I am so harsh.  I just don't care anymore.  Send them all back.  I don't care.  Show pictures of crying kid illegals being taken out of school.......I just don't care anymore.  This is totally insane.  We are a Country and we have borders and we just want to let the rest of the world flood in.  It's just totally nuts.

With all that said, would I be willing to sit down and compromise if a real solution was going to be put in place.  Yup, I sure would.  This border bill is a joke and is nothing more then a ploy by the dems to deflect to the repubs because the dems are getting killed by their own malfeasance.  

I don't like trump or Biden, but Trump had some good policies that were working and his foreign policy was great imo.  If it's between Trumparoo and Dementia Man, that's an easy choice.  I don't vote with feelz.  And if Biden had come in and done a good job instead of going far left nutso I'd be voting for him in 24.  I don't vote for people based on a letter, I vote for people based on their actions and policies.

Anyway, I need to stop typing so much and go back to lurking more.  lol.  Have a great day!   

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RE: Why should we agree to reward sanctuary cities in latest Schumer/Biden senate bill? - Mickeypoo - 02-06-2024, 03:17 PM

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