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86% of voters think Biden is too old for a 2nd term
(02-12-2024, 07:32 PM)Crazyjdawg Wrote: My best guess as to why is because it gets clicks and, to an extent, it is an honest assessment of him. If Trump does something wrong or is showing signs of mental ineptitude, most right wing news sources would do their best to hide it or not mention it, as it is not in the interest of their base. But, and this is just a generalization, people in the center and left generally don't like being lied to. They want a truthful interpretation of the news, even if it is unfavorable to a politician they like (or prefer in this case).

I don't think the shift in tone, if there even is one (I don't watch much mainstream news), has anything to do with a directive from on high that "we need to shift gears away from Biden."

I remember when Biden was elected, people were talking about how he only ran to help backdoor a woman  of color into the presidency. That's why he said his VP must be a woman of color. That he'd be president for a year, maybe 2 and then would resign and Kamala would become the 47th president of the United States.

I remember when people were certain he'd be a 1 term president because he would choose to not even run for re-election.

Both of those beliefs have come and gone and he's still the only nominee with any level of pedigree.

The Democratic Party is a waste land. There are no Obamas or even any younger Bidens in the party at the moment. At least not with the clout required to run for president.

It would be absolute political suicide for the DNC to replace Biden, the man who beat the incumbent Trump (remember, incumbents have an inherent advantage, with Biden overcame in 2020), with a relative unknown with mere months before the election.

Trump lost the 2020 election by 7 million votes, and then he was at the center of an attempted insurrection (or whatever you would like to call it) and has been charged with 91 counts of various severity. He has shown his own degree of mental ineptitude as well, lest we all forget when he confused Nikki Haley with Nancy Pelosi when discussing January 6th (among many other mental lapses).

I don't know what it's like to be a person who looks at these two men and can't decide which one is worse, but if I mentally place myself in that person's shoes, I can't imagine they would be unwilling to vote for Trump in 2020 but then, after all the shit Trump has done and been through in the last 4 years, would suddenly be willing to vote for Trump again.

I think Trump's biggest hope is that the Independents become complacent and stay home on election day, so his faithful followers will be enough to get him re-elected.

But if the turnout is anywhere near 2020 levels, I can't imagine Trump could beat Biden, and I think that's what the DNC is banking on.

But we'll see. I have no idea who the Democrats would replace him with, but I'm 99% sure that person would be worse off in the election, especially if the DNC keeps it a secret all the way up to the nomination at the convention.

You make some fair points regarding Biden and the other theories about his presidency.  We will, of course, see who ends up being correct.  As for Biden getting the same kind of support he did in 2020, I think you're off by quite a bit.  The economy isn't great and inflation has been insane during his presidency.  Whether it's his fault or not won't matter.  I do not live paycheck to paycheck and I have noticed a significant increase in my expenses on things such as groceries and gas.  I can only imagine how people who are living more hand to mouth are coping, much less feeling about voting for Biden again.  At the end of the day the threat of Trump is not tangible, in that it doesn't directly affect the every day lives of our fellow citizens.  There's going to be a significant number of people who will vote for Trump based on the perception of enjoying better economic times during his presidency.


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RE: 86% of voters think Biden is too old for a 2nd term - Sociopathicsteelerfan - 02-12-2024, 07:46 PM

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