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AI is here, and we are in trouble
(02-20-2024, 01:06 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: I think some people are blind to how much potential there is here.  As I posted, in less then a year they went from Will Smith nightmare fuel to video indistinguishable from reality.  And these things build on themselves exponentially, imagine how much sophisticated this will be in just one more year.  And that's talking only about AI generated images.  Very soon, if not already, you will not be able to trust the authenticity of any video you see, unless you personally took it or where there.  You can add all the safeguards you want, but it'll be impossible to prevent bad actors from using this technology to create and disseminate whatever images they want.  Deep fake pornography alone is going to rake in billions, no matter how illegal you make it.  Scary times.

I think the most fascinating yet scariest thing is we don't quite know how powerful AI could become. We can theorize about what artificial general intelligence (AGI) would look like but is it even achievable? I think, at this point, the consensus is "yes" on that front. We still don't know what that would look like in reality. It could really produce incredible things, and it could also endanger society. I personally embrace the technology, but I do plenty of concerns and recognize the need for protections to be passed. Disinformation is going to become exponentially more powerful when you have an AI generated video of a powerful political figure saying things to incite unrest and violence, or promote confusion. 

It's really a new frontier, and has the potential to be one of the most dangerous yet. 

Messages In This Thread
RE: AI is here, and we are in trouble - KillerGoose - 02-20-2024, 01:30 PM

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