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Schumer/Biden lose emergency border bill
(03-05-2024, 04:36 AM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: cap on a wall all you want, but even if it's only 75% effective, it's a hell of a lot better than any legislation that these morons will agree to.
I don't want laws/policies that expire, i want hard core lines in the sand drawn and made permanent. This is what Biden's group is avoiding, they just pushing it down the road making it someone else's problem. I've personally had enough and looks like a part of the Dems voting block is starting to feel that way as well.

There is a whole lot of things in the world we all want but we're never gonna get.  So instead of focusing on that pipedream, we have to focus on what we can get  What you want for the border will never ever get through both Houses of Congress, if for no other reasons than many uber-wealthy donors don't want the supply of undocumented workers completely shut off.

Failure to compromise is the reason this current Congress has been the most ineffective in history.  No bill will ever be perfect so if you are waiting for that you'll be waiting until hell freezes over.  

In the meantime, while people are waiting for perfection the problems persist and go unsolved.  But the real crux of the matter is that the nixed bill was torpedoed not because it was bad legislation, but because Donald Trump was afraid to have Biden get yet another legislative victory.  Trump needs the border controversy to bolster his campaign.  And it was torpedoed before anyone really knew what was in the bill negotiated by some of the most conservative members of the Senate.  

So let's focus on reality instead of fantasies....

 Fueled by the pursuit of greatness.


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RE: Schumer/Biden lose emergency border bill - pally - 03-05-2024, 10:45 AM

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