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Use of derogatory names for politicians and groups of people
(03-16-2024, 03:38 AM)pally Wrote: When the candidate does not or cannot define his slogan or buzzwords he leaves it to others to define it for them.  Donald Trump has never actually put a vision behind the phrase “Make America Great Again” and as a resulted in a bunch of meaningless words that others put meaning to.

Seriously, in his world, when was America great? and what, besides elect him and give him unlimited powers, has to happen to make it great again?

He did define it though. His campaign was the vision. That's how a slogan is defined, by putting forth your political stances and having people rally behind it.

The stances he took during his campaign was him defining what it meant for America to be "Great Again".  He ran on things such as...

1. Securing the border.

2. Bringing manufacturing jobs back to the US.

3. Renegotiating/axing trade deals.

4. Rebuilding our military.

5. Reviving the coal industry.

That's not all of them, but those were some of the big points he touched on multiple times.

These were all issues Trump believed needed to be addressed to "Make America Great Again". The problem is, people took the slogan and overcomplicated it.

Quote:MAGA for Trumps opposition means a time when only white Christian straight men had full rights and power.  It means a group of people who either follow him  blindly, follow out of fear,, or follow because of the desire of power.  The leader is more important than the ideas. His flaws, inconsistencies, and mistakes are ignored.  MAGA means culture wars aimed at anyone different sociologically, culturally, ideologically from the faithful

But why is that what it means?

It's honestly always kind of boggled my mind that people took "Make America Great Again" as "Make America White Again".

Trump has on multiple occasions spoken within the context of when America was "respected militarily and economically" and how we as a nation didn't "let countries push us around" and constantly talked about how we as a nation were being taken advantage of by other countries with things like NAFTA and NATO and that counries need to "start paying their fair share" instead of us paying for everything. He talked about bringing jobs back to Ameirca that were "taken" from us by other countries. That is what it means for "America to be great again".

Yet, people who oppose him consiistantly ignore all that and say "What does he really mean". He's already said what he means multiple times. You don't have to agree with any of it, but it is a definition of the "movement"  regardless.

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RE: Use of derogatory names for politicians and groups of people - Matt_Crimson - 03-18-2024, 01:41 PM

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