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Truth Social going public net Trump estimated 2 to 4 BILLION
We get it Luvnit, Trump is all that is good and holy and we mere mortals should bow down to his greatness.

But lets get real

-no salary...he claimed that he took no salary and that he gave the money back to the government but no organization actually acknowledged receiving any money. And of course we never saw his tax returns so I'll believe it when I see it. Trump, BTW, was the 3rd president not to take a salary. Herbert Hoover, a real self-made millionaire, and Kennedy.
-while he claims he took no salary Trump financially benefitted well above what he would have made. He made millions from influencers staying at the Trump Hotel across the street. He made millions from charging the Secret Service full rate at Mar-a-Lago (where he also doubled the initiation fees...can't have the rabble joining) and other Trump Hotels where he and his family almost exclusively stayed. He made money by charging them full price for carts at his golf courses. Those same golf courses that he PROMISED he would be too busy to use but managed to multiple days a week. He forced military flights to go out of their way to Scotland for refueling so they would have to use a Trump Hotel for lodging.
-He hosted parties every weekend at Mar-a-Lago. He walked through the dining room and dined behind velvet ropes like he was a museum piece. He regularly crashed functions in the ballrooms. Sales our crazy prices and the President will make an appearance.
-why did so many of his cabinet and senior officials resign because of corruption or incompetence?

- If he was President out of the goodness of his heart...where in the hell is he? Why isn't he working with Biden to improve things? Why isn't he telling his followers that Joe Biden was duly elected and they need to respect that? Why is he doing everything in his power to undermine the Biden Presidency...even going as far as to claim any positive economic news is only due to his presence?

He succeeded for the first 3 years of his Presidency because he was handed a good economy. His true measure as President showed when the pandemic hit. His abysmal leadership through that tanked the economy, destroyed the supply chain, and left millions unemployed. He refused any transition information to the incoming Biden administration. Joe Biden walked into an alligator pit. And while there have been some stumbles and missteps have managed to get the economy back on the right track. Is it perfect...nope. Are people still feeling some economic pain...yes. But I know and anyone who is really paying attention knows, that we are a helluva lot better off now than we would be if Trump was President. Trump couldn't lead himself out of a paper bag when in trouble.

Oh, and Barack Obama is a millionaire not a billionaire. He made his post-presidency money by writing multiple best sellers, speaking fees, and media production.

He ran for President for power and for his ego not to "save the country" but you believe what you will.

 Fueled by the pursuit of greatness.


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RE: Truth Social going public net Trump estimated 2 to 4 BILLION - pally - 04-03-2024, 08:39 AM

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