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Volson 4th highest compensation by NFL performance-based pay
The board went over this last year as well mostly related to Volson.   He was the second most compensated for the 2022 season

This bonus was put into the CBA in 2002 to reward players that had a significant amount of snaps compared to what they were being paid.  The language is a bit misleading but in this case "performance" is based on the definition of carry out an action and not the quality of the action performed.  So it is based on playing time vs. what they are getting paid.  The player performed an action, played X amount of snaps.

I suppose to avoid confusion they could rename it to the, "Played a lot but wasn't paid much bonus"  Tongue

Here is more information on the program for those interested in it:
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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RE: Volson 4th highest compensation by NFL performance-based pay - George Cantstandya - 04-03-2024, 10:34 AM

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