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Bond slashed to 175 million while Trump appeals
(04-05-2024, 09:29 PM)Dill Wrote: So that poll of student preferences  establishes the global trend.

It's AN indicator, not the only one.  

Quote:And in Canada, the UK and Australia, the "modern left" is jailing people for "offensive" opinion. 
Hmmm. No links or mention of what those opinions were though.

Ahahahaha, you could not have proven my point better.  WTF does it matter what their opinion was?!?  Taking away a person's freedom for expressing an opinion, no matter how odious said opinion is is about as antithetical to Western values as it is possible to get.  Wow, you really don't realize what you let slip sometimes, do you?

Quote:We should compare them to countries like Russia and Hungary and Turkey, where the "modern right" is
also "literally taking away freedom" for "having and voicing an 'offensive' opinion."

Ahh, yes those hotbeds of western values.  Also, in Turkey it's your Islamic religious fundamentalist buddies doing the oppression.

Quote:Then we can better measure the "absoluteness" of leftists threats.

Oh, we have to reach the point of Russia before we can start being worried about the utter illiberalism of what passes for the modern left in the West?

Quote:LOL The new "centrism."  Far left "Fascists" won't tolerate speakers who claim Trans people suffer from mental disease. 

Living in your head rent free is far more sad than I'd have thought.  You're a radical leftist, anyone to the right of Lenin is a right winger to you.  And yes, we should tolerate those speakers, just like we tolerate speakers who advocate for intifada, like we've been doing since 10/07.  Shutting down a person's speech, especially with the force of law, which doesn't appear to bother you, is antithetical to Western values.  I'll keep repeating this until it sinks in.

Quote:Far more insidious than marchers chanting "Jews will not replace us!"

Or claiming the IDF is worse than Hamas or that Israel is a ethnic settler nation that uses rape and murder to conquer territory and displace people?  I.e. the Jews are replacing people, interesting rhetorical company you're keeping here.


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RE: Bond slashed to 175 million while Trump appeals - Sociopathicsteelerfan - 04-06-2024, 02:55 AM

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