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Polls say one thing voters say another
Yesterday was the Indiana primary....months after she dropped out of the race nearly 23% of primary voters still chose her over Trump. This was a closed primary with competitive races for their governor and senator candidates. This pattern has been repeated time and time again over the primary season. Special elections are being won by Democrats

For all the talk about polls, Trump has a long way to go to consolidate the Republican vote let alone make inroads with true independents.

Polling in 2020 was the most inaccurate in recent history and 2024 may beat that. The polling companies are still relying too much on the population that answers the phone. still poll too many people via landline. And they are weighing the data too Republican.

On top of that the various Democratic campaign committees are killing it with the fundraising. Financial reports indicate most Democrats are have more cash on hand than their Republican opponents.

I'm not saying this isn't going to be a close race but actual data is showing something different than polling is

 Fueled by the pursuit of greatness.


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Polls say one thing voters say another - pally - 05-08-2024, 12:26 PM

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