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The Big Divide Between Biden and Trump Supporters
(05-25-2024, 08:02 AM)FormerlyBengalRugby Wrote: A big difference I notice is the hate, vitriol and divisive nature of the left in regards to the right. There's a lot of nasty stuff of the right is being labeled with, just check out the forums and all the nonsense being said about DJT and MAGA, racist, cult, overthrow the government, conspiracy theorists, etc...

The left is being labeled with destroying the country via wanting open borders, no criminal accountability, endless spending, cheating in elections, weaponing the government, shouting down free speech, denying science, etc...

I can sit down and have conversations with just about anyone, but I know there is a fair portion of those on the left would never do so with someone on the right. I cannot say I know anyone on the right the would not have dinner with, or have a civil conversation with someone on the left. It is an odd phenomenon that one side has become so closed off to ideas.

I am certain people who lean a little more to the left might see it slighted the other way, but so is life. At the end of the day, no matter out differences, we all want what is best for our country.

Regardless of your political affiliation, have a great holiday weekend and remember the great men and women who paid the price to let us bicker like children instead of spending more time outside or with loved ones.

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I have never defriended someone because of their politics. But I have Trump supporters who have cut me out.

I have been told constantly for 8 years that I need to understand the Trump supporters. I need to listen to them. What I never hear is a Trump supporters being told they need to understand and listen to liberal voters.
I’ve been told Trump supporters only vote for him because of the economics and they just put up with the other crap…yet they never speak out against the other crap. I’ve been told everything from the right is coming because of fear.

I’m over it. Trump supporters chose him because he represents everything they stand for. Delude yourselves all you want but the Republicans had other options and they didn’t go there. So they put up a career conman who deliberate plays to the worst attitudes and beliefs of his followers coupled with incessant lies and hateful name calling about his opponents along with a steady stream of media propaganda. He surrounds himself up with unqualified sleazy yes men whose entire job is not to do best for the country but to do Trumps bidding right or wrong. He is propped up by billionaires who know he is easily manipulated and controlled as long as he gets a healthy dose of praise and money and an appearance of power. His supporters are pushing a Christian Nationalist oligarchy that makes second class citizens out of anyone that isn’t white, straight, male, and Evangelical. And consolidates power in a puppet president.

Listen to what Trump says, listen to what this money people say, his entourage, his foot soldiers say. Look at the governments he praises. Do you really want a country run like China, Russia, or North Korea. Trump continually praises the power these leaders have. He covets it and will stop at nothing to obtain it. Read the policy papers coming from places like the Heritage Foundation. Read the rulings from conservative judges. Follow the money because money is what drives Trump.

The left is far from perfect and have their own extremists but that arm of the party is marginalized for the most part. They aren’t the core. And while people don’t agree with Democratic policies those policies aren’t designed to destroy the democracy of our Republic.

Our soldiers didn’t die to support Christian Nationalism. They died to protect our Constitution and freedoms

 Fueled by the pursuit of greatness.


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RE: The Big Divide Between Biden and Trump Supporters - pally - 05-25-2024, 08:54 AM

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