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Someone doesn't understand Memorial Day
(05-28-2024, 04:29 PM)Nately120 Wrote: I haven't combed over this thread, but I think it comes down to intention.  Biden is, even to his supporters, a bit of an ungraceful type who is now old.  Biden was face planting with his words and actions when he ran in 1988, the guy is who he is.  Trump is also who he is.

Biden is to ignorance as Trump is to malice.  I don't think people overlook what Biden did so much as acknowledge that it was the unthoughtful action of a semi-well meaning person.  Biden has doubled down on dumbassery in a rather Trump-like manner, I just don't see that in this particular case.  I don't get the vibe that people who plan to vote for Biden have any illusions about his state or this situation.  Rather it's one of those "You moron...they're going to have a field day with this" situations.

Everyone does "wrong" stuff by accident, and it's smart to do as little "wrong stuff" on purpose because that way when you do something wrong by accident people are hopefully more likely to give you the benefit of the doubt.  Of course, Biden isn't clean but that goes back to the 1 on 1 nature of politics now, eh?

Well said.

What I'd like to know is whether those !OUTRAGED! over Biden's incidental watch checking are !!!!!10X more OUTRAGED!!!!! by Trump's comments about the fallen, wounded and captured--i.e., the LOSERS?  Stuff no previous president would think, let alone say out loud. What's the difference between Trump's INTENT and Biden's there?  What's the difference in intent between critics of Trump behavior and critics of Biden's?

It would be something if those outraged over Biden's incidental watch glance refuse to get exercised over Trump's deliberate insults to military members.  Or if those outraged over Dem supporters lack of response to Biden refuse the same curtesy to Trump supporters who ignore their Dear Leader's shameful attitude towards the military.  Yet I suspect that is the case. 

I've still never recovered from Trump publicly dissing POWs; I'm not going to say "Yeah that was bad too," and "move on," like there's no difference between Trump's myriad other insults to military life and families and Biden's "intensely disrespectful" watch-glance. 

So the Biden glance is a pretty weak whattabout. Does outrage over it even rise to the level of "petty"?  Yet despite the disproportion, there's enough there that an independent "centrist" could spin up some false equivalence--Dems excoriate Trump for judging limbless veterans unsightly, but look the other way when THEIR guy glances at his watch during etc.. . .partisan excuse making etc. . . ."rampant hypocrisy" etc. . . . hive mind etc. etc. 

We're on the verge of electing a C-in-C who thinks the wounded, the missing, and the fallen were "suckers" and uses his Memorial Day tweet to complain about his rape and fraud cases, but the real take away from this Memorial Day thread is that Trump's behavior only makes Dem refusal to acknowledge Biden errors even more surprising!   Somehow.  If you buy the equivalence, I guess. 
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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RE: Someone doesn't understand Memorial Day - Dill - 05-29-2024, 03:31 AM

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