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Dalton & McCarron are in a very awkward situation
(01-06-2016, 10:59 AM)Crazyjdawg Wrote: If we beat the Steelers (I'm not seeing it personally, but statistically, it is possible) with McCarron as the starter and Andy Dalton is good to go for New England, you play Dalton.

This is an imaginary discussion among the fans that is not occurring between the coaches of this team.

If Dalton plays against New England and it is obvious his thumb/grip/throwing motion/rust is a detriment to the team, you put McCarron back in.

Starters are not required by rule to play the entire game unless injured. If Dalton shows that he came back too quickly, you simply sit him down and play McCarron.

But if he's healthy and effective, you play him.

I don't understand the argument of people who would play McCarron without giving Dalton even a chance in the next game.

Dalton was the MVP candidate, not McCarron.

I cannot believe some members of the fan base are so short sighted.

McCarron is essentially a rookie playing on a stacked team.
Sure he is a quality back-up and looking good enough to start for somebody in the NFL but at the same time the sample size is just too small.
RG3 and CK were both touted as the next coming of football gods.
One took 1 year to flame out and the other took 2 years for DC to catch up to them and figure them out.
Next year who knows where either will be.
Dalton has given this team and fans almost 5 years of steady to great football.
And he is getting better.

WTF would you entertain trading him to start an unknown???
this train of thought is simply mind boggling.

It is almost impossible to find average QBs in the league nowadays and people want to trade away a great one?

Bottomline is that if you want to continue to win after this year the money is on Dalton.
If anyone needs to be traded you maximize what you can get for AJM from a QB starved losing team.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Dalton & McCarron are in a very awkward situation - Junglejuice - 01-06-2016, 07:19 PM

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