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Clearing Up Trump Trial Misinformation
(06-05-2024, 10:48 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: The left" is a pretty expansive, flexible term, as you and Luvnit use it, creating amorphous actors claimed to say one one thing here 
and another there to produce "hypocrisy " and "cognitive dissonance" attributable to everyone collected in that giant bag.

You're transparent attempts to equate me to partisan extremists, is as pathetic as it is futile.  No one but your little cabal is buying it.

So you are not using the term "leftist" as "partisan extremists" do? And you are still not going to define the term?

So you DON'T regularly jump into threads accusing "leftists" of "partisan hypocrisy," while defending Trump policies and SCOTUS choices
and deploying prominent far right whattabouts like "BLM was worse"--always presuming others' agreement while denouncing the "leftist hive mind"? 

No one has ever seen you do that but my "cabal"? 

The lite insults in lieu of substance also call into question your definitions of "partisan" and "verbose."

(06-05-2024, 10:48 PM)opathicsteelerfan Wrote: Based on your overly verbose responses to pretty much everything we can all determine you find this to be a valuable use of your time.

All the "leftists" I know, including actual leftists, don't think "mostly peaceful" is a decisive term of comparison

between protests against a a police murder, the vast majority with no violence at all, and an attempt to overturn
a valid election in the very seat of the US government.

Trust me, no one is surprised to hear you claim this.

Dodging arguments with insults shouldn't earn anyone's trust. 

And whether people are surprised that I explained this point, is beside the point.
That you are unable to address the argument, much less refute it, is not.

(06-05-2024, 10:48 PM)opathicsteelerfan Wrote: Yes, just "windows".  Not occupied buildings being set on fire
"Spontaneous"?!  You precious far left court jester you.  You're adorable!!!
Both are bad.  At least the more centrist/right leaning posters here can acknowledge this.
Still laughing about "spontaneous" btw.  You partisan shill.  Hilarious

"Windows" is a figural reference to any sort of property damage. 
You won't refute my point with a link proving that a gas station was burned down too. 

There isn't anyone in this forum who doesn't acknowledge that "both are bad." You are addressing a non-problem.

"Centrist" posters can agree that property damage and "violence" alone are not what set the Capitol riot, instigated by a sitting president
to overturn an election, apart from the 6% percent of George Floyd protests that turned violent, a protest which went worldwide
given the broad appeal of its ethical ground. 

So equation of Capitol/BLM riots on the basis of property damage is not some "leftist standard"; 
it is a "rightist" standard you project onto your giant, amorphous and undefined "left" before denouncing
the "hypocrisy" you just manufactured. It's part and parcel with current disinformation about the Trump trial.
Same sources, same associative logic, proceeding as if there's some double standard too obvious to explain. 
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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RE: Clearing Up Trump Trial Misinformation - Dill - 06-06-2024, 03:10 PM

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