Poll: Who will be Inaugurated to become U. S. President on January 20, 2025 ? - POLL
Biden will be Inaugurated on 1/20/25
Trump will be Inaugurated on 1/20/25
Some other Democrat (but not Biden for whatever reason)
Some other Republican (but not Trump for whatever reason)
Someone else that is neither Republican or Democrat
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Who will be Inaugurated to be U. S. President on January 20, 2025 ? - POLL
(06-09-2024, 01:35 AM)depthchart Wrote: * If it is Biden that is getting Inaugurated in 2025, will many Republicans feel that the process was unfair or that they are unrepresented ?

* If it is Trump that is getting Inaugurated in 2025, will there be any election denying from Democrats or any attempts by some to "insurrect" ? 

Both sides have Branded the other with some extremely broad brush Pot Stirring labels that can only foster even more mistrust.       
This mistrust seems to be nearing a damaging level but as you said the Country will probably "manage to keep on going" but in what form.

Documentable irregularities (not Italian lasers and Chinese paper) could produce Dem challenges, or Republican, in various states, a la Florida in 2000.

Also, new laws in Republican states like AZ and GA could create chaos if a close and murky result is shifted to the state legislature for final decision.

Absent that, no, I don't seem much in the way of election denying. If the Electoral college shows Trump a clear winner, Biden will concede.
There'll be no 1/6 style insurrection during certification. Biden won't do that, his people would not go along, and even if they did there is no Dem
cult to march on the Capitol believing they were following their Dear Leader's orders.  The party's and their leaders are VERY different.

As far as "manage to keep going"--it's quite possible we are are still a democracy in ten years, but if Trump wins there will be democratic and 
constitutional crisis. Worse still, the media machine which exempts him from accountability will work overtime blaming the chaos on Dems and the 
deep state.  Not sure the country will recover from that. It would take a revamp of our public education system to create a new generation of voters
with a clear idea of what democracy is, and why it collapses when it does. 
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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RE: Who will be Inaugurated to be U. S. President on January 20, 2025 ? - POLL - Dill - 06-09-2024, 07:31 PM

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