Poll: Who will be Inaugurated to become U. S. President on January 20, 2025 ? - POLL
Biden will be Inaugurated on 1/20/25
Trump will be Inaugurated on 1/20/25
Some other Democrat (but not Biden for whatever reason)
Some other Republican (but not Trump for whatever reason)
Someone else that is neither Republican or Democrat
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Who will be Inaugurated to be U. S. President on January 20, 2025 ? - POLL
(06-10-2024, 05:55 AM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: broken clocks are right 2 times a day. 

Broken or whole, no clock tells time by induction.  

Those who issued warnings in 2020 were following the indices of Trump's own words and behavior. 

The signs are worse this time around. I'm sorry O-mike, but what you are doing here is just a kind of denial.

(06-10-2024, 05:55 AM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: Name calling isn't going to help matter, by calling them xenophobic, you make imply that anyone that votes for them is also automatically a xenophobe. 

Typical political slander

It would be typical political slander to call Dems in Congress "Fascist Communists" or Fani and Alvin "racists." 

And if I called Michaelsean "xenophobic" that would be name calling, for sure, since he's said nothing xenophonic,
like calling immigrants "monsters" and "rapists" and "poison" in the blood of the nation.

But it is not "typical political slander" or name calling to apply the term to the guy who promised to ban Muslims and 
complained about immigrants from "shithole countries."  

Remember the poem Trump fondly recites at his rallies--"The Snake"? Does THAT "help matters"? 

As with your dismissal of warnings back in 2020, you are separating judgments from the evidence upon which they are based. 
The next step is to substitute some other reason for the judgment, like "hate," and Trump's dangerous and erratic behavior
disappears into "fake news." 

And you are worried those who accept this behavior in voting for Trump might be "xenophobes" by implication.

That's no good reason NOT to recognize Trump's behavior for what it is. 
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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RE: Who will be Inaugurated to be U. S. President on January 20, 2025 ? - POLL - Dill - 06-10-2024, 09:52 AM

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