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Clearing Up Trump Trial Misinformation
(06-11-2024, 06:13 PM)Dill Wrote: Your not caring to search for examples doesn't surprise me. And not caring is not having. This is the epistemic equivalent of a bounced check.

Sure, more examples for which you don't care to search. I'm no longer accepting checks. Cash from now on. ok?

A third of your lengthy post is unsecured "evidence" of various kinds. E.g. Impressions, unsupported assertions etc. Including a final paragraph free-associating to whatever you don't like about Capitol police and Dems, designated (without embarrassment!) as "the cherry on top." 

And two thirds is you continuing to prove what was never in dispute, namely that the Floyd riots led to more property damage than the Capitol riots. 
That's why I ''dodged" what was never the issue. I'm addressing your discussion of stats in a different post. 

So to recap: The topic of this thread is "Clearing up Trump Trial misinformation."  The core of that misinformation --disinformation really--is that Trump is an innocent man convicted by Biden's weaponized DOJ and the "fake news" media.  In response to FBR wondering whether riots would have followed an acquittal, Luvnit asserted that unlike ANTIFA and Floyd rioters, THE RIGHT IS ON A MISSION OF PEACE. 

That's already off center. A logical comparison of Trump and his GOP and Biden and his Democrats, to assess the prime actors' inclination to violence, would have to focus on, at least-- 

1. Biden's character. Did he instigate a plot to overthrow a valid election which lead to a riot, death and destruction, and over 900 felony convictions? Did he float the possibility of pardoning felons convicted in the Floyd riots? Call them "patriots"? His son is in court now. Is Biden doxing the judge's family? Calling the legal system a sham? The prosecutor "deranged" and a "dumb son-of-a-*****, while warning us all that his followers or "the nation" won't tolerate a guilty verdict? Or is he promising to abide by the verdict, and NOT to use his office for personal goals, e.g., pardoning his son. 

2. Dem leaders' behavior: are they calling the system a "scam," the press "liars," and taking time out of Congress to show up at the courthouse to show solidarity? Are they normalizing and legitimating their presidents violent rhetoric? Or are they too saying "let the system work"? Regarding the Floyd riots, did they make a show of supporting those convicted of violence and property destruction, like visiting them in prison? Did they attribute the violence to FBI plants or MAGA protestors operating under false flag? 

3. Regarding past non-MAGA violence in the country, did Biden direct any of that? I.e., call BLM to march to a police precinct and "take your country back"? or tell ANTIFA to "Stand back and Stand by?" Did BLM members then speak of responding to the president's call? If the answer to those questions is no, then equivalence fails.

When I noted that Trump himself did not seem to be on board with that MISSION OF PEACE, given his flouting gag orders and endangering family members of court officers, you could have affirmed your support for the rule of law there, but went instead with the false equivalence between the Floyd and Capitol riots, famously crafted in 2020 by Hannity and Fox friends--who also happen to be the primary engines of the current Trump trial disinformation this thread was intended to address. You refer to my "type" and my "side." Is Fox your side then? The Trump right? Or are just offering "balance" using their whattabout? 

And when I further flagged your imprecise use of the term "leftist," which collects all manner of non-aligned actors into one bag responsible for riots, reminded you that "mostly peaceful" is not some "leftist standard," and explained what the actual term of comparison was, you unleashed a firehose of abusive language, at one point positioning yourself, hivemind-like, as speaking for all forum members except my "cabal." Nevermind that most of the people you respect in the forum do not ascribe to the BLM whattabout. While that far right from which you distance yourself does ascribe to it. That's basically your "we" on this issue--virtually everyone who regularly attacks "leftists." But it's "pathetic" if I associate you with the right.

Still attempting to explain why "leftists" think the Capitol riot more consequential than billions of dollars of property damage in Portland or Minneapolis, I switched from the broken windows figure to the body analogy--a stroke vs a broken arm--and your response was to continue to affirm, figuratively speaking, that the broken arm involved way more tissue damage.  

I could also assert that some unspecified "we" understands YOUR desire to minimize the actions of your ideological compatriots in comparison to the Floyd protests. That SSF finds property damage (and/ or body counts) to be more important doesn't negate the fact that Trump tried to overturn an election and continues to threaten democracy. etc. But I find such "we understand" assertions completely null as evidence; no support for rational argument. 

Simply claiming to understand someone's "desire" is no form of proof, even asserted from some hivemindish 1st person plural. That's what external evidence is for. When you do get around to offering something like external evidence (billions in property damage; arson of a police station), it's about what isn't in dispute, namely that more property damage followed from the Floyd protests that turned to riots than at the Capitol, where for the first time in history a US election almost fell to a coup. 

While you struggle to respond to my latest post, I would like to again point out that at no time in this entire, very wordy response, did you even attempt to address my concerns with your source, its claims or its wording.  A less charitable person would see this as a deliberate dodge and an attempt to focus attention away from that.  But I know you would never do that.


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RE: Clearing Up Trump Trial Misinformation - Sociopathicsteelerfan - 06-12-2024, 12:43 PM

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