Poll: Who will be Inaugurated to become U. S. President on January 20, 2025 ? - POLL
Biden will be Inaugurated on 1/20/25
Trump will be Inaugurated on 1/20/25
Some other Democrat (but not Biden for whatever reason)
Some other Republican (but not Trump for whatever reason)
Someone else that is neither Republican or Democrat
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Who will be Inaugurated to be U. S. President on January 20, 2025 ? - POLL
(06-11-2024, 01:46 PM)Dill Wrote: It can't be, really. 

Notice how many of Trump followers repeatedly take his word, and the RWM commentors', over the evidence of their own eyes and documentary evidence.
They are most suspicious of news sources with the best record for accurate news, least suspicious of those with the worst.

You must be as surprised as I am that Trump supporters come forward saying "retribution" is not Trump's style. And it's not just that
he speaks of little else. This is one area in which they DO NOT take the Dear Leader's word, or better said, they do take his word that he only means
a successful country is his idea of retribution, like there is not a vindictive bone in the guy's body.

Not only did he lead chants of "lock her up" in 2016, as no president in history ever has, but he did his best to prosecute Hilary Clinton in 2017. 
Only the "deep state" of WH and FBI lawyers prevented that. Now he pretends he DIDN'T want to go after her, and his followers swallow the revision
of history.

Then when Lt.Col Vindman correctly flagged him for leveraging US foreign policy to create a sham investigation into Biden, he fired both Vindman and, for good measure, his brother, who was not at all involved in the FIRST impeachment. Trump won't shy from vindictive COLLECTIVE retribution either.

Then there is the very vindictive humiliation of people, including his own hand picked DOJs, for following the law instead of obeying his orders. Think of how Comey, Sessions and Tillerson were fired. 

You are the last person whose Trump memory needs refreshing, and you've already reviewed his threats to the press, so I'll just leave you with one of the scariest Trump factoids of all which gives us some idea of what he is capable. Between 1961 and 202, only 3 federal prisoners had been executed. Trump's last six months in office he rushed the execution of 13 federal prisoners, apparently to help his election chances. https://www.propublica.org/article/inside-trump-and-barrs-last-minute-killing-spree.  
Something to consider when speaks of "traitors" like Gen. Milley, who deserve the death penalty for disobeying him. 

Do you think it's because the Leftist Media constantly takes what Trump says out of context? and molds it into what they want everyone to believe he said? Yes i know Trump does say some stupid things but even so, they Eff it up and apparently he ends up saying things he didn't say. Like... All Immigrants are rapists, murderers etc.

Once that starts, it's not going to end and simple things like this are exactly why i have a hard time trusting leftist biased media, IDC how many Pulitzers they have won. Once you start slinging these things around, you lose your cred. Just like with Fox, I don't trust them either. 
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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RE: Who will be Inaugurated to be U. S. President on January 20, 2025 ? - POLL - Mike M (the other one) - 06-12-2024, 01:52 PM

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