Poll: Who will be Inaugurated to become U. S. President on January 20, 2025 ? - POLL
Biden will be Inaugurated on 1/20/25
Trump will be Inaugurated on 1/20/25
Some other Democrat (but not Biden for whatever reason)
Some other Republican (but not Trump for whatever reason)
Someone else that is neither Republican or Democrat
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Who will be Inaugurated to be U. S. President on January 20, 2025 ? - POLL
(06-12-2024, 09:55 PM)Dill Wrote: You are trusting someone, OtherMike, or you wouldn't be making blanket references to "leftist biased media." 

Let's start with some "stupid things" the "leftist media" is "molding"--the Hollywood Access tape, the "Snake" poem, mimicking disabled people, recorded evidence of Trump abusing his office to strongarm a foreign leader into opening a bogus investigation into Trump's political opponent. Also video, documentary, and testimonial evidence that Trump used his office to punish opponents, shut down investigations close to him, and to pardon his friends. 

Plus video evidence of Trump claiming the election was rigged and documentary evidence and testimony that half his staff told him there was no evidence of rigging. Documentary and testimonial evidence that the other half of his staff were, with his approval, engaged in a plot to forge lists of electors from seven states, which Trump abetted by calling a mob to the Capitol on 1/6 and sending them to Congress to "take their country back" (remembering to add, belatedly, "peacefully"). The coup attempt followed by continued claims the Dems rigged the election and Biden has weaponized the DOJ. Add the video of Trump claiming that the Presidential Records Act allows him to mentally declassify the documents he illegally withheld from the national archives. Etc. etc. etc. 

How much of the above is "molding" and how much genuinely malicious, degrading and unstable behavior for which Trump alone is responsible? Even if he only said "some" Mexicans are rapists, how does that mitigate the xenophobia front and center of his campaign speeches? The "monsters" and "poison" in the blood of our country, the promises of revenge and retribution?

What sort of person sees/hears all that and then says "Gosh, someone claimed he said ALL Mexicans are rapists when he didn't mean all, and even said 'some' were 'good people'. How can I trust that the 'leftist media' is not distorting what I hear in his unedited campaign speeches and softball interviews from Fox and Friends?" 

No president in history has ever been this publicly angry and off his rocker, and yet my friends on the right blame the media for reporting one outrageous act after another, inverting cause and effect and separating Trump from accountability.  DOXXING A JUDGE'S DAUGHTER--no biased leftist is distorting that; Trump DID IT PROUDLY.  The guy who attempted to steal an election and now  blows through gag order after gag order could become the chief exec in charge of law and order with an enemies list because liberal media presentations are a little biased sometimes???

In short, no. I don't think the "leftist media" is responsible for Trump voters voting for Trump. It is more likely that such voters are using the "fake news" liberal media to justify rejecting the evidence of their own eyes. Something is definitely wrong, and now is not the time to shoot the messenger.

Seems to me the REAL "molding" comes from a RWM which amplifies Trump's lies about witch hunts and disputes whether he meant what he said when he called Zelensky or the GA secretary of state or told Mike Pence not to certify the election. And then reports as if all the investigations into Trump are so obviously a sham there is no need to examine the facts and the law very closely. Just repeat Trump endlessly--"witch hunt," "banana republic," "3rd world country." Except the revenge traitor death penalty talk.

Ah yes, Mr Inequality steps up to the plate.

First off, The comment about some/all was very early in his first campaign run for POTUS. 
You must have missed the part where i said, once you start mis-leading, they don't stop.

Out of context


At a June 2024 rally in Las Vegas, former U.S. President Donald Trump said, "I don't care about you, I just want your vote. I don't care."

Former U.S. President Donald Trump thrashed and threatened his New York probation officer during his presentencing virtual call on June 10, 2024.

I just grabbed the first two i saw. but those are both recent and perfect examples.

The rise of left-wing, anti-Trump fake news

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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RE: Who will be Inaugurated to be U. S. President on January 20, 2025 ? - POLL - Mike M (the other one) - 06-13-2024, 03:48 AM

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