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Should work ethic matter for POTUS voters?
(06-18-2024, 08:49 PM)Forever Spinning Vinyl Wrote: Un

I was just accused by a Republican of turning a blind eye to the faults of a candidate and only paying attention to propaganda. What kind of whacked out world do we live in?

Maybe I missed all of the cabinet members and staff alerting me to the dangers of a Biden administration . . . or did you turn a blind eye to all of those former cabinet and staff members trying to warn people with their heads still stuck in the sand about Trump?

All of you WHINING about prices after a badly mishandled pandemic while we're still the World Power . . . how do you think the prices will be when we're no longer the world power? Our sworn enemies want Trump to be president . . . Have you ever asked yourself why? If I'm a nation wanting to hurt the US, I'd be prepping my virus labs because half of the US believes meatheads like Joe Rogan over real scientists.

Here . . .  this is what you blindly support and this is after Trump made THEM richer, not you. I seriously doubt that there is anyone making a million dollars plus per year posting in this forum.
[Image: LdD1t_FKd5m7ja5dWFNGvfRKVz5vu0QzgLJM1ptD...0-rw-nd-v1]

But yeah, Biden's old. I wonder how many of those laid off had a good work ethic?

Quit blaming us because your candidate is even more flawed. Quit being upset because we're trying to protect America from the least informed part of the population.

Was it only R aligned businesses that profiteered in this manner?

I believe they all did, buoyed by the profit results during covid.  They realized they would be allowed by the regulatory community to get by with minimal staffing, okaying minimal effort, and still turning a fair profit. So learning that, why would they increase staffing? They assume they can maintain the bare bones, working employees to the bone, and maintain even bigger  profit margins.

Corporate greed will always remain. Thinking otherwise is partisan nonsense. If you doubt that, check out the stock portfolios of members of the House and Senate.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Should work ethic matter for POTUS voters? - FormerlyBengalRugby - 06-18-2024, 09:20 PM

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