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See, they really do try to control what you see, read and think.
Why left leaning people would try and claim the left doesn't censor people is beyond me. They flat out admit they do it. Look at Australia, whose censorship Tsar demanded that TwitterX take down a video so that no one on Earth could see it. New Zealand made it a criminal offense to read or disseminate the manifesto of the mosque shooter. In the UK people are literally jailed for voicing their opinion. Canada wants to impose censorship on big tech, of course they get to determine what is, or is not, harmful.

But SSF, none of those examples are in the US. Quite correct, as we have a first amendment that prohibits such overt government interference. The other countries in the anglosphere do not, and we see the results. The article in OP literally quotes Biden's government claiming the government has a first amendment right to censor, an argument they made in front of SCOTUS. So why are you scrambling to defend this or pretend it's not happening? The government is admitting they're doing it and you're saying, nuh uh.

You'd think censorship imposed by our government would be a topic that people of all political leanings could stand up and shout, NO! But I guess it's "ok when we do it", eh?


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RE: See, they really do try to control what you see, read and think. - Sociopathicsteelerfan - 06-20-2024, 12:24 PM

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