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A win for the common people
(06-20-2024, 03:36 PM)HarleyDog Wrote: That's pretty much how a staffing agency works. Except, many staffing agencies do offer benefits, but the cost of those benefits is unaffordable at the pay rate many receive. But one thing that does set them apart that I can think of is many times, a company will use a staffing agency as a stepping stone into the company. It prevents them from having a lot of upfront costs on employees who may not work out. So usually there's like a 60-90 working day period where an employee must keep good attendance and do a good job.

But let's talk corporations for a moment since I know there will be a few who jump in here and start yelling about corporate greed. I find it difficult to accuse most corporations of greed simply because they are making record profits. That's their job. Just as the workers on the floor have a job to do, everyone up to the CO has to achieve milestones or they lose their jobs too. I invest in the market and I look for growth. If I don't get it from a company, I sell their stock and buy stock from someone who's going to make me money. Why would I, or anyone else approach investing any other way?


And you said that you listen.

I didn't complain about corporate greed . . . I complained about the only thing that Republicans are successful at is cutting taxes for people that don't need them. I wonder how it would have gone over when they were selling this tax cut to the American people if they actually told the truth . . . "We're going to create thousands of temporary jobs with this tax cut. All of the jobs that we create with this tax cut will be usurped during record profits less than six years later, because corporations are gonna corporation. And we're going to fight like Hell to make these big tax cuts permanent, but yours are going to go up because we designed it to be beneficial to the working man for a few years but you're all going to have to make up for it later."

Quote:I think our younger adults cry corporate greed the most simply because they are used to having things given to them. People work to make money, not give it away to those who don't. This leads to a lot of the problems we have in this country today and kids wanting a free education. We are going to run out of money to fund SS here shortly, but we think it's a great idea to bail out the kids who signed a promise to pay their debt. That's ok though I guess, since the elderly won't stay pissed too long since they've only got a few years left anyway.

Damn, I was trying to stay on topic, but it all intertwines in some fashion.
Yeah . . . I can see that. If you're immersed in Right Wing media, you're going to think that way. Obama said "If I only watched Fox News, I wouldn't vote for me either." But if you look around, outside of that bubble, you'll see that it's the corporations that are addicted to getting things for free, but you'll NEVER hear about that from Kilmeade or whatever you listen to/watch. That's why there's multi pro Right talk radio stations. PLENTY of big money sponsors wanting you to vote against your own self interest and keep voting Republican. Biden wants to increase the tax on income over $400,000 per year . . . Now who here makes almost $8,000 a week? If I made that much money, I wouldn't be wasting my time on here. I'd be on vacation too much.

Since there isn't a national Left or Independent talk radio station available to me, I have to go via the podcast route. This may come as a surprise to you, but most of the podcasts that I watch have exiled Republicans as the guests. Denver Riggleman, Adam Kinzinger, Jow Walsh, Anthony Scarramucci, Larry Hogan and occasionally I'll check out The Lincoln Project or The Bulwark which are Never Trump Republicans. I can tolerate Republicans bashing Trump . . . I can't listen to Democrats bashing him for long, unless it's the comedians.

I still click on Fox News clips on YouTube, but most of the podcasters on the Right are a bit too whiny for my taste. Ben Shapiro, Steven Crowder, Tim Pool(Dim Tool) Charlie Kirk, Dan Bongino. Any Centrist Republicans that are doing a podcast that you can recommend? All I ever see are Trump bootlickers and I don't waste my time with that.
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A win for the common people - SunsetBengal - 06-20-2024, 02:57 PM
RE: A win for the common people - Forever Spinning Vinyl - 06-20-2024, 07:45 PM

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