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Lefty fact-checker confirms Biden lied about Charlottesville
(06-24-2024, 01:22 AM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: He said there were very fine people on both side of the Confederate monument issue and then immediately condemned the white supremacists at Charlottesville.  Even in a thread in which Snopes admits that this accusation against Trump is a lie you continue to defend the lie.  I have to say, you're being as lockstep to the party line as the most avid MAGA supporter while having zero self recognition of this fact is a source of endless amusement for me.

Well, you say "lie", I wonder if that is the appropriate term here. A lie would be to explicitely deny that there was a condemnation by Trump. There were at least two, that much is correct, whoever states there was none says a falsehood. Imho though there's a credibility problem for many, and that is because of Trump's general conduct in that affair. For one, he sure tried to defend the people that were marching alongside Nazis and white supremacists, and that alone left a sour taste for me too. Then he talked way more about Antifa and left-wing bad people than he ever talked about the people actually committing the awful deeds in Charlottesville, it was a display of whataboutism. He seemed way more enraged about the press painting a bad picture of the unite the right rallye goers than he ever was about the David Duke's, the chants and the murder. A description you used yourself, that describes my view on this, is that Trump just did enough for plausible deniability, but his earnesty was put in question and I for one can see why. That those allegedly condemned fully supported Trump anyway - and how Trump once tried to claim he doesn't know who David Duke is and things like that - just added to that picture. And all that - as he says - led Biden to a moral evaluation of the situation. Imho it's not about true or false in the first place, but about a personal moral judgment that is a bit beyond the facts. For sure, as stated he also got his facts wrong when explicitly talking about 'no condemnation' or that Trump explicitly called Neo-Nazis fine people (he did not, he called some of those marching with them 'fine people'), but that was not what pally was talking about and it was not what Charlottesville was about for many.

(06-24-2024, 07:00 AM)FormerlyBengalRugby Wrote: I believe bad people support both candidates. Trump already condemned Duke and his racist leanings multiple times.

Maybe DJT is just such a better option that even those he condemns are supporting him?

Yeah, no one should use the support of folks like David Duke as a badge of honor, and the support of David Duke can not be seen as proof of how much better of an option Trump is. That is just a weird point to make really.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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RE: Lefty fact-checker confirms Biden lied about Charlottesville - hollodero - 06-24-2024, 08:53 AM

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