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Lefty fact-checker confirms Biden lied about Charlottesville
Those on the left including fake news media who condoned a lie against Trump will never admit it or apologize for it. It is these series of lies liberals use to frame Trump is a racist. These facts blow up their Big Lie.

Trump is not a racist and the left leaning media and the Biden campaign should immediately issue an apology.

The candidate with factual evidence he is racist is Biden. All anyone needs to do is watch hi VP call him a racist for his actions years ago. That is just one of many instances Biden has proven he is a racist.

But we know liberals never accept responsibilities for their actions. The good news for Trump is minorities are seeing through the haze of smoke and mirrors and are leaving not only Biden, but the party.

This will add more reason for them to leaves Biden and fake news stations like NBC, ABC, CBS, NYT, WAPO, MSNBC and CNN. Those outlets were wrong over and over again with anything Trump and only Fox and right leaning news organizations were correct. Joe lied about Hunter's laptop and saying no family member made money from China, Hunter made a ton of money from China. Joe lied and said the laptop was compromised by Russians. One more lie at the Oct. 2020 debate to win an election. Sadly, the media validated the lies, never doing a thorough investigation as they wanted all the lies to be seen as the truth.

Over time, Trump's accusations are proven wrong. Trump has been right on illegal immigration, media and Democrats dead wrong.

I understand why the liberal will continue the lie or spin it; it kills their credibility admitting their coverage for 7 years was dead wrong.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
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RE: Lefty fact-checker confirms Biden lied about Charlottesville - Luvnit2 - 06-24-2024, 01:23 PM

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