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Lefty fact-checker confirms Biden lied about Charlottesville
(06-24-2024, 01:39 PM)hollodero Wrote: Yeah I believe you, but sadly you didn't explicitly mention how you react to those people making these excuses. I would assume you have some harsh critizism for that kind of behaviour. You might even claim that these people draw a faulty moral equivalency between Israel and Hamas. So how is it so surprising that Trump got an equally harsh reaction, and why is it so condemnable when Biden then made a similar comment regarding moral equivalencies? That's the part I don't get.

Sure people did that, I did not deny that at all. However, pally didn't, I didn't, and at least in the Biden statement bolded in the OP, imho he didn't either (he sure did later). I'm not trying to pull anytrhing here, I'm claiming that stating Trump drew an inappropriate moral equivalency imho is not a lie, even if someone might disagree with the assertion made.

I think our disconnect stems from my not equating a person who is opposed to the destruction of Confederate monuments with a Hamas supporter.  While I have never been one of those people I can understand the distaste for the erasing of history, and the removal of monuments or names that have been there over a century.  Especially when it naturally progressed to removing statues of "problematic" people like Jefferson or Washington.   One of the major reasons for these monuments and location names was reconciliation.  Lincoln was very big on smoothing over hurt feelings naturally present after a civil war.  While there are certainly some pro-Confederacy, or those who romanticize it, types in that crowd there are also a sizeable number of people who dislike what the removal represents based on why the monument or location name is there to begin with.

So I can't bring myself to draw an equivalence to people opposed to the removal of a historical monument to a person who is pro-Hamas or a neo-Nazi.

Quote:Yeah we still respectfully disagree a bit on the bloodbath comment, but I see the overall point for sure. It's just, I feel the counter-reaction of many is to now ignore all the wolf howls and deny the existence of wolves in the first place, and that to me appears equally baffling.

Of course it is, every action having a counter reaction and all.  My issue is with people who take umbrage with one side of this coin while lauding, or at best ignoring the other.  As I've said, you don't do this.  There are plenty here, and elsewhere that do.


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RE: Lefty fact-checker confirms Biden lied about Charlottesville - Sociopathicsteelerfan - 06-24-2024, 02:09 PM

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