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Lefty fact-checker confirms Biden lied about Charlottesville
I still don't see how Biden's lie about Charlotteville is turned into a Trump debate on people who follow him.

Let's stick to the subject, Joe Biden and his campaign lied for 7 years claiming Trump was a racist for his comments. Snopes has rebuked it and provided text why they said it was a lie. Fake liberal media who used Biden's lie as fact have yet to recant and apologize for smearing the former POTUS for 7 years.

There is a pattern with liberal fake news media. They lie reporting on DJT and ignore any negative news on Biden. They lied about Russian collusion using Adam Schiff as the spokesperson saying weekly, he had evidence Trump colluded with Russia. He dd not and the liberal media never pressed him on it and called him to take responsibility for lying for 3 years.

The liberal media lied the Hunter laptop contained Russian disinformation. Biden lied on the debate stage in October 2020 weeks prior to the 2020 election. Again, Biden has not recanted he lied, and the liberal media has ignored it also. No recant and no apology to Trump.

The liberal media and Joe Biden lied that Hunter Biden made no money from China and dismissed claims Biden and his family made 10"s of millions off of foreign countries China, Russia, Ukraine and others. The Biden's have no registered businesses that make and sell products. Why did they get millions?

There is one constant in all of these stories, Joe Biden lied, the liberal media either lied or refused to investigate Biden family foreign business deals (ignored it).

The other constant is Fox News did investigate all of these things, got to the facts on all 3, got the stories correct.

I understand the need by the far left in this forum to attack Fox, they exposed your news sources as being highly partisan frauds.

Again, will CNN hold Biden accountable for past his lies at the debate on Thursday or will they ignore them?
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
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RE: Lefty fact-checker confirms Biden lied about Charlottesville - Luvnit2 - 06-25-2024, 10:20 AM

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