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Lefty fact-checker confirms Biden lied about Charlottesville
(06-25-2024, 02:07 PM)Dill Wrote: Guess we are measuring these candidates differently. For starters, Biden did not conspire to overthrow a valid election,
drawing hundreds of others into the crime. What sort of voter thinks that's no disqualification for commander in chief?

Trump didn't do these things. These are asinine reports that came from the left-wing media machine to try and convince the American public he did. When he is tried and convicted of these acts, then we will talk. I mean, the left is despitately searching for anything to charge him with anyway. You think this would be a cakewalk if proven.
Quote:27 months of continuously low unemployment, a well performing stock market, an infrastructure bill which his opponents take

credit for in their home districts.
Not only has the US reached the highest levels of energy independence in 70 years under him, but he has used the strategic oil
reserves to bring down oil prices world wide.  How does that add up to "worst president" when Trump is in the running? 

We can beat a dead horse over the unemployment issue. Counting part-time jobs and immigrant jobs is not putting Americans to work with good full-time jobs. The unemployment rate can and is adjusted to fit the narrative. Also, using strategic oil reserves to bring down oil prices is dumb. Our country's reserves are the lowest they've been in 40yrs. 
Quote:Democrats don't just recall the misogyny and violence manifest in Trump's mean tweets; they also remember that he made them while breaking US foreign policy, fumbling the Pandemic; and attempting a coup.  They were, and continue to be, a prime source of disinformation about the economy,
his indictments, and Biden. 

Breaking foreign policy? How, by recognizing Jerulalem as the capital of Isriel? By putting tariffs on China? Withdrawing for a ridiculous Iran nuclear agreement? Withdraw from UN Human Right Council? Or was it because he met with leaders of communist countries? 

Quote:The overriding and overwhelming question of this election is--how can someone who manipulates masses with his lies and has shown readiness to
break laws great and small to keep power, still be a candidate for election at all in a country supposedly founded on democracy and rule of law? 

Maybe ask Cornpop or Bidens dead uncle or the black church congregation Biden grew up in. It's easy to search for lies in Trump, but hard to find truth in Biden.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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RE: Lefty fact-checker confirms Biden lied about Charlottesville - HarleyDog - 06-25-2024, 02:39 PM

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