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Lefty fact-checker confirms Biden lied about Charlottesville
(06-25-2024, 02:39 PM)HarleyDog Wrote: .Guess we are measuring these candidates differently. For starters, Biden did not conspire to overthrow a valid election,
drawing hundreds of others into the crime. What sort of voter thinks that's no disqualification for commander in chief?

Trump didn't do these things. These are asinine reports that came from the left-wing media machine to try and convince the American public he did. When he is tried and convicted of these acts, then we will talk. I mean, the left is despitately searching for anything to charge him with anyway. You think this would be a cakewalk if proven.

If you are waiting for Trump to be tried and convicted--that will not happen if he wins election.

And it won't happen before he wins because his minions in the justice system have stalled three prosecutions--two related to 1/6.

If he does win, it will be because he has convinced millions that the election was stolen from him,
and then afterwards, that Biden's DOJ was "weaponized" to come after him. 

But it's not the "left wing media machine" which established the election was not stolen. It was Trump's own AG, election officials in Arizona, Georgia and Michigan, and our very own court system which shut down 61 fake suits. And thanks to the Dominion suit, we know that Murdoch, Hannity, Ingraham and Carlson did not think it was stolen either, even as they were convincing Trump supporters it was.

Worse, affirmation that the election was stolen is now the "religious test" for any who want to part of Trump's campaign and to serve under him if he wins. 
Though debunked, the lie is not over. It still lives on inside the Right Wing Media Bubble which initially spread it.

Nor was it the "left wing media machine" which indicted Trump and dozens of seditious co-conspirators.  Prosecutors have the testimony of Trump's own DOJ and White House staff, the forged lists of electors, and television video of Trump sending a mob to the Capitol to pressure Pence to illegally refuse certification of the election. 

That's likely the only evidence voters have to go by before the election. And that's a problem if you, and millions of others, 
think a lie is the truth because Trump said it, and the truth is a lie because "leftist media" said it. 
Did Trump lie or not? That's really the only conversation voters should be having right now.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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RE: Lefty fact-checker confirms Biden lied about Charlottesville - Dill - 06-25-2024, 04:00 PM

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