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Is supporting term limits and exceptions for abortion radical thinking?
(06-26-2024, 04:56 AM)pally Wrote: Didn’t ask if you supported the decision.  You said you believed abortion should be legal up until viability outside the womb and after that for maternal or infant health.  That is essentially the Roe level of protection. Democrats want to codify that.

No, I've said elective abortions should be capped around 3-4 months, leaning towards three.  You're misrepresenting Roe, I would hope not deliberately.  Roe allowed abortion access into the third trimester because it made it an constitutional right.  That's also why no Dem of prominence has said they support a ban on third trimester elective abortion.  You're soft peddling your sides position on this because it is rather radical.


Quote:And yeah, hindsight being 20-20, they should have already done that but they naively didn’t think it would be overturned by the same court that rendered the original decision.  Having learned that lesson, that is why they want to pass laws covering same sex marriage and contraception

Any decision made by SCOTUS can be overturned by SCOTUS.  Dred Scott and Plessy v. Ferguson instantly coming to mind.  This point had been hammered home for decades.  Obama campaigned on codifying Roe into law and then, once elected, said it was no longer a priority.  And quite honestly, Roe should have been overturned, it was one of the bigger instances of judicial activism this nation has ever seen.  A dishonest debater would now claim I'm not prochoice, but one can easily be prochoice and believe that Roe was a poor, and far too extreme a decision.

Face facts, the Dems kept abortion on the chopping block for decades as a campaign fundraising topic.  They played you and every other woman on this issue, and now you're paying the price for their playing politics with abortion.


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RE: Is supporting term limits and exceptions for abortion radical thinking? - Sociopathicsteelerfan - 06-26-2024, 11:00 AM

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