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For those of you wanting to Make America Great Again
(06-25-2024, 11:51 AM)HarleyDog Wrote: Dill Wrote:[url=][/url]Which foreign adversaries get money from us, then drag us into war?   Which take our money and then try to kill us? 

Iran for one. They are behind the Hamas funding. Now we are giving military aid to Israel, who were attacked with money we gave to Iran. 

Yo, thanks for the response, H-Dog, but this doesn't sound right I'm wondering what your sources are.  

What money of ours did Iran take? How are they dragging us into a war? 

So far as I know, Israel is not being attacked with money we gave Iran. Who says it is? 

(06-25-2024, 11:51 AM)HarleyDog Wrote: Quote:Is supporting Israel crucial to the US national interest? They are dragging us into a war, right? 

Isriel is not dragging us into war. They are requesting assistance. For now. But you never know. Israel has been one of our closest allies for years. 

Israel has been our most expensive "ally." Since 1980 we've give them over 3 billion a year in assistance, far more than anyone else. And we give Egypt over 2 billion a year to not attack Israel. This aid is leverage which could have forced Israel to the negotiating table with the PLO/PA long before 2005, when the stage was set for a succession of Gaza wars. Now we are stuck supplying an aggressor nation as it drops 2,000 lib bombs on civilians and blocks aid to starving children.  We protected them from an Iranian drone attack which Israel provoked. This makes the US a target too. What do we receive in return, if our most expensive ally pursues policies which we don't agree with and which make us targets too? 

(06-25-2024, 11:51 AM)HarleyDog Wrote: Quote:What message does it send out allies, if we do support them? 

Not sure what you're asking here. It's pretty simple the message sent would be that we support our allies. 

Praising authoritarian leaders like Putin, Erdogan, MBS, Xi and Kim, while ignoring or denigrating democratic allies and alliances 
is not sending a "pretty simple message." Quite the opposite. 

The dictators love to see a divided US falling into the hands of an autocrat who understands them and thinks similarly. Our democratic allies wonder how
stable an ally the US is.  When Trump, on an international stage, sides with Putin over US intel agencies, the message sent is that the US president can be
played by a dictator, leader of NATO's prime adversary.  That has to send a shudder through all the other countries' intel agencies who cooperate with us.

Same when the US pulls together a massive international agreement, bringing Russia, China, Iran, Britain, Germany, France and the EU all to the same table in an agreement which worked as intended when adopted, to the advantage of all parties. The Iran Deal was one of the most amazing feats of diplomacy in US history, and then Trump just breaks it. What message doe that send?  It's not just a green light to Teheran's nuclear program and thumb in the eye of our allies.  It's the US destroying its own credibility and power to get  even the most dangerous and disruptive players to sit down and play nice.  And it makes the world more costly for the US, not cheaper.  I't not "Making America Great Again" for sure. 
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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RE: For those of you wanting to Make America Great Again - Dill - 06-26-2024, 02:23 PM

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