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Is Democracy really an issue if Trump is elected?
The Biden campaign is attempting to attack Trump as a threat to Democracy if elected. Their plan is not to run on the record of Joe Biden for inflation, the economy, illegal immigration or foreign policy (wars).

Threat to Democracy
1. Democrats claim Trump will be a dictator (impossible in America). They used this on every GOP candidate in the 20th century.
2. They attempted to remove the ability to cast a vote for Trump in 6 states.
3. They are attempting to put the GOP nominee and front runner to beat Biden in jail.

Democrats and liberal media said Trump is a liar yet ignore the many lies of Biden on liberal news outlets.

1. Biden said Trump lied 26 times during the debate, yet fact checkers did not confirm it.
2. What were the supposed 26 lies during the debate?
3. Biden lied about Charlotteville narrative, Snopes and Tapper both confirmed Trump's comments were taken out context.
4. Biden did not respond on Trump's claim Biden lied in the 2020 the Hunter Biden laptop was not real.
5. 51 former intelligence officials lied about the validity of the Hunter Biden laptop a couple of weeks prior to the 2020 election. Some violated the Hatch Act as they were employed by the US government.
6. The DNC and the Hillary Clinton campaigned bought and paid for the Russian Dossier. It was used to go after Trump and members of his team. He was used to get FISA warrants, 1 Democrat was convicted of falsifying a FISA application in 2016 to get a warrant to surveil Carter Page. In the end, Trump was never charged with a crime and the investigation was a Hoax perpetuated by HRC and the FBI.
7. Biden has been caught lying over and over again.
He said he knew Putin for 40 years. Putin was with the KGB at that time.
He said his house almost burnt down in while in Maui (people lost everything due to fires), when in fact it was a small kitchen fire extinguished in 20 minutes with minor damage.
He said his uncle may have been eaten by cannibals.
At the debate, he said no American soldiers were killed while he was POTUS. I guess the soldiers he left behind in Afghanistan were not significant.
He lied about Beau, doing it again at the debate. Beau had a brain tumor I am all too familiar, my daughter has it. Beau was never near any burn pits as he claimed, but even if he was, his tumor is not associated with it.
Biden said inflation was 9% when he took office, it was 1.4% in pat 12 months and a little of 5% for Trumps 4 years in office. Biden's year over year inflation is close to 20% year over year since he took office. Biden has not had 1 month lower than 3% inflation since he took office.
He said Hunter and no member of his family received any money from business deals in China. Yet HB raked in almost 5 million dollars for an energy company associated with China.
He said his son died in Iraq. Huge whopper, Biden said the border was secure for over 3 years.
Biden said he needed Congress to stop illegal immigrants from entering into the US, yet Trump's record is 10X better allowing illegal immigrants into the country awaiting asylum hearings, he made them go back to Mexico.
He said the bill proposed by the Senate would fix immigration and the GOP killed it. Democrats control the Senate and could have passed the bill with no Republican votes. But Democrats voted against the bill. It was not a standalone bill, and it did nothing to address stopping illegal immigrants from coming into the US.

The biggest lie of all is hiding the fact Joe Biden is not declining mentally. The debate killed the narrative the liberal media, Democrats and the white house lies Joe is harper and more energetic than ever. Jill Biden saying Trump is a liar, well Jill Biden's lies about her husband are a disgrace to humanity. She is allowing and assisting the abuse of Joe Biden, yet again Biden's supporters ignore it because they don't care about Joe Biden, all they care about is controlling the white house. The media who up to the debate were touting Biden as strong mentally and physically showed their poor journalism skills if they were truly as surprised as they led on after the debate.
Joe Biden being in decline was not a GOP hoax, it was a fact conservative news outlet once again got right. All of the left-wing media outlets exposed once again as liars and poor journalists.

I can go on and on, others feel free to add to the lies Biden has told. The things I mentioned were not an opinion Biden lied, they were factual Joe Biden lies.

I can go on and on, but the point Jill Biden, the liberal media, DNC and Biden campaign attempt to paint Trump as a liar is laughable because Biden not only lies, but his lies are also blatant and covered up by the liberal media. This is my prediction if Joe refuses to step aside, this same group and people will attempt to revive Je Biden from the dead. They will prop him up because if he stays, he has to beat Trump.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
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Is Democracy really an issue if Trump is elected? - Luvnit2 - 06-29-2024, 12:38 PM

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