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The Force Awakens spoiler thread
(01-09-2016, 07:32 AM)Arturo Bandini Wrote: He could have spent 1 month in the Falcon, it won't explain why he's the last one to stand with his X Wing while he never have flied before nor why Anakin took down a spaceship at 9 years old.

The Force works in mysterious ways.

Force ex machina.  Cinema Sins will have a field day.

As to flying space craft.  I have never said anything about the ability to fly a space craft.  Rey knowing how to fly the Falcon isn't really that big of a surprise or mystery.  I would assume that people on remote planets like Tatooine and Jaku (sp) would learn how to fly quite a few different crafts and that 1 craft wouldn't be all that much different than any other craft.  Where Finn's inability to fly a spacecraft comes from being a part of a government that has things like that assigned to certain people so he wouldn't be piloting any type of vehicle.  

You keep bringing up the prequels.  Everyone that I know has hated the prequels and one of the reasons was how unbelievable a lot of the scenes were, take for instance Anakin flying a spacecraft when the only thing he had piloted before was a pod racer, unless of course the controls aren't all that different from craft to craft and his mechanical knowledge would give him a bit of an advantage to quickly figuring out how to pilot it.  Funny how something that was considered silly in one movie is completely ignored in this one.

I am not going to continue with this though.  Like I said, I am part of the group of people that wasn't impressed with the movie and I know that it's success is more due to nostalgia, hype and people getting caught up in "mysteries" and trying to figure out the twist that everyone knows will happen, than actually being a good movie.

If they really want to surprise everyone, then Rey won't be related to anyone, she won't be Anakin reincarnate, she will be just an ordinary girl that just happens to be a force user.  Snoke will just be another villain and have no relationship to previous villains and Ren will not face any retribution for killing Han.  As boring as that sounds, it, to me is more interesting than what the film makers have put forth so far.

Messages In This Thread
RE: The Force Awakens spoiler thread - J24 - 12-19-2015, 03:29 AM
RE: The Force Awakens spoiler thread - Sovereign Nation - 01-09-2016, 08:03 AM

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