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Someone broke into my house last night
Actually there aren't that many crazy people out there (i.e. looking to hurt you). You're much more likely to be hit and killed in a car by someone speeding or texting and driving than by someone breaking into your house and trying to seriously harm you. Of the 3.7 million burglaries between 2003-2007 only 7% had any injuries what so ever (266,000) and of that 266,000 only 9% experience major injuries (about 24k or a little under 5k a year).

Going through life scared of your own shadow is not a way to live. In most areas the likely hood of someone entering your house and causing injury is so miniscule that it is laughable, yet many still believe they need to arm themselves. The reality is far more break ins are only for property and we live in a society where life is (or should be) valued over property, hence why we don't give out death sentences for stealing. People who say shoot first ask questions later believe their right to property supersedes others right to life. While the other person is in the wrong it is the justice system's job to determine a punishment not yours. So like I said just because you can shoot someone doesn't mean you should.

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RE: Someone broke into my house last night - Au165 - 06-12-2015, 02:55 PM

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