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People are buying into the media narrative..
But really what did Jones do?  Push someone. In a game like that, Porter on the field inciting (a coach), Munchek and Reggie (a coach), Shazier leading with the crown of his helmet outside the tackle box , pushing, fighting,,,, on and on. Coaches can't be purposely inciting other teams players by being physical with them ( This has Mike Tomlin written all over it - it's underhanded and against the rules - It's what he is all about) . It's against the rules. And like always the NFL will do nothing because it is the Steelers. Roger Goedell will act like it didn't happen.  Phil Simms and Mike Carey will say to the national audience that oh no that wasn't a penalty . And no penalty flags were thrown for it. There is a history of the Steelers doing this and the NFL does nothing. The NFL is out of control. The NFL wanted a game on Saturday Night just like that and the NFL's refs made it happen.

People want to bash Burfict for his poor judgement and to a degree they are right. But you know what he is exactly the type of player you have to have in this league to win anymore. Cincinnati needs to get as many guys as they can just like him. Pittsburg has established that winning football is taking out the other teams best players and Goedell does nothing. I don't agree with it or condone it but it's reality.

Marvin has integrity. That is why I like him and support him. But some of the teams and coaches winning SBs have no integrity which puts us at a disadvantage. This is the NFL.

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RE: People are buying into the media narrative.. - tigerseye - 01-10-2016, 11:46 AM

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