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People are buying into the media narrative..
I'm sorry, but the Bengals fans crying about Burfict's hit are absolutely gutless and have probably never played competitive sports or been part of a team where they actually were vested in the people they worked or played with. And, if one of you nutless, gutless cowards were.... I guarantee you were just along for the ride.

- I have no problem with Burfict doing what he did. NONE. But I do have a problem with WHEN he did it.

In a team sport, when someone on the opposition takes aim at you or your teammates with hard hits or questionable shots you absolutely have to work it back in on them a little later in the game. Period. THAT is how you take care of your team when the officials won't and THAT is how you win games like that. By being vicious and ruthless and taking things past a point where the other squad won't go. There is no debating this. The Bengals cannot sit by and let the Steelers bully them around physically. But they have to be SMART. THAT is where Burfict faltered.

When Shazier did what he did to Bernard the Bengals should have done the same thing to Ben or Brown in the next two or three series. PERIOD. That is how you beat a bully. PERIOD. It is not by allowing them to tee off and pummel you and cheap shot you outside of the rules of the game. Especially when the officials are allowing it to slide and slide and slide. It should have been done, just not at that moment. I don't care if after Ben threw a ball that a player would have continued through him and speared him right in the helmet and concussed him. It is what is necessary to protect yourself.

You nutless, spineless, gutless crybaby cowards need to not only watch this scene from The Untouchables, but really soak it in and open your mind to how you stop someone as ruthless and willing to bend rules and ethics as the Steelers are: 


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RE: People are buying into the media narrative.. - PDub80 - 01-10-2016, 02:01 PM

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