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People are buying into the media narrative..
What pisses me off the most is that the refs can screw us six ways from Sunday and give the Steelers a free pass on the exact same shit they call us on, but absolutely none of it matters because...

1) The Bengals are a small market team with a small fan base and no one outside of our tiny corner of the world gives a shit about us, unless it's to use us as the butt of their jokes;

2) The Steelers are a "legendary" NFL team with more bandwagon fans than Jesus and they make the NFL a hell of a lot more money than Cincinnati does; and

3) Most importantly, the Bengals never do enough to take the game completely out of the refs' (read NFL's) hands.  Our run blocking in the first half was non-existent and was the primary reason IMO that we could not score a single point (not to mention our All Pro tackle committing two false starts at home).  Then when Burfict makes a great play for what should have been the game sealer, Jeremy Hill fumbles it right back to them, giving them another chance.  Then instead of buckling down and just stopping them outright, the Bengals D allows the Steelers to drive into a position where a 15 yard flag for an illegal hit puts them in a spot to win the game (potential 50 yard FG without the Joey Porter/Adam Jones bullshit).  

All of the garbage calls from the refs were real, but how many times are the Bengals going to allow terrible officiating to decide games?  The Bengals could shut all the media up if they came out and hit someone in the mouth right out of the gate and just win the game.  Every single time the Bengals have to come from behind or allow the other team back in the game this scenario will go against them.

In the end it is on the Bengals to win games.  We can never expect anything favorable from the refs and the only way to take them totally out of the equation is to dominate the other team.  Easier said than done, for sure, but it is something the Bengals rarely do, especially in big games/postseason.  Until this organization figures it out, we can continue to expect to get the shit end of the stick.
Well does he have a name or should I call him... lawyer?

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RE: People are buying into the media narrative.. - InTheJungleNow9 - 01-10-2016, 04:23 PM

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